• "Run, Lissia, run! Do not come back, no matter what you may hear. Run. Find Paul Rusesabagina's hotel. Run, run away from this terrible place. I will find you." whispered Tatania, bundling her daughter tightly. Lissia's eyes were full of fear, as her father eyed the soldiers marching down the road.
    "But, Mama, why will you not come with me?" breathed Lissia, clutching her small woven silk bag tightly. "Why must I go alone?"
    "They are looking for us. They will kill you if you stay. I will find you. Ndagunkunda. I love you."
    Lissia climbed out a small window, just as the soldiers came in.
    "Your daughter, Lissia, where is she!?" one demanded.
    "She is gone!! She went out to get water this morning and she is not back yet! You have already killed her!" cried Tatania.
    "You will both die unless you tell me where you have hidden her!" snarled another soldier.
    "You will not harm my wife!" yelled Amadi, Lissia's father.
    Lissia peeked in through the window, just as a soldier shot her father. They dumped his body in the garbage trough, and then they shot Tatania.
    Lissia ran, deep into the forest, before she collapsed in a river. She lay there and cried. Her parents were dead, brutally massacred by the soldiers. She had to find Paul Rusesabagina, at the Milles-Collines Hotel. She was miles away.
    She crept back to the house, and gasped. Food was dumped on the floor. Pilllows were slashed open, and the wooden floorboards had been ripped up. She snuck in the window, and tiptoed up to her room. The door had been ripped off the hinges, and there were knife marks in the wall. CAbinets were thrown open, and she stifled a scream, as she saw the note written in blood on the floor.
    'Die, Tutsi cockroaches, die.'