• It was midnight while David, a Detective cool , was still checking his reports on the investigation about the Midnight Crawler, the professor's most terrible experiment which escaped, destroying scream everything in its path which is lurking about during midnight in search for one thing neutral -- its next victim eek ...

    A little while after checking the reports, David felt someone or "something" was staring ninja at him... But, he faced the creature, pulling out his gun, knowing that it was danger, and so, it was true! The dark creature circled around him, and attacked! Cautious David kicked it away stressed and shot it! sweatdrop He has defeated the Midnight Crawler-- or so it would seem to be xp ...

    The next day, He told everyone in the office about the incident surprised , and noticed that one of his co-worker was missing before the incident happened, and was found in the riverbank, lifeless crying , and full of giant bite marks, killing him in an instant...

    And so, the Midnight Crawler gonk prowls again in the middle of the night, looking for another victim twisted ...

    The End