• "there in the middle of nowhere, i thought that i have lost you. But i couldnt afford that to happen because i am only looking at you..."

    Today is the first day that i would become a high school student. I was so excited hearing that i have passed the entrance exams of my target school. I got up from my bed thinking about the last line of my weird dream...

    "only looking at you, huh... Taki, you said that but then you just disappeared...."

    I had a childhood friend. His name was Yamada, Takishiro but i simply call him Taki. We used to play a lot but by the time we reached 10, that was five years ago... he disappeared completely...

    Here i am, walking in this busy street, trying to get him off my mind. I wanted to tell him goodbye but he didnt let me. Him and his own selfish reasons...I dont care anymore about that big...stupid...idiot.

    But why are my tears...falling?!

    I wiped my cheeks and ran towards the school. I wondered about how i will become more mature, and the people that i would meet. The sky was light blue and the clouds were like big fluffs of my favorite cotton candy! Wait...no, i could smell cotton candy... and its coming from...this weird guy. There's no candy store around, but he had just opened a pack of sealed cotton candy. How i wish i had the money to buy that...

    Damn it.

    I entered the class smiling like an idiot. I was covering up the tears that want to flow. I couldnt get over Taki... And i still do not know why.

    "names please?" The teacher asks each and every one of us in the class to introduce. It finally went to my turn..." Akahana, Hina" I sat down again on my chair... It was then when i heard a seatmate of mine. "Yamada, Takishiro"

    What?! Taki...is he the same Taki i know? Impossible! This is just....impossible. Deep inside i was panicking so i tried to compose myself well. Definitely he isnt that Taki... I said as i felt my cheeks warm up a bit... Then the lessons started.

    After class the other Taki had shown up on front of me. He didnt let me pass by.

    "What the hell do YOU want?!" I yelled.
    "oh, nothing, im just bored." he said with an evil grin... No, this isnt Taki. The Taki i knew was kind, and he was easygoing.
    "Darn you. People like you should be thrown off the garbage pit."
    "oh really?" he said, catching up to my unusually fast walking pace. I walked faster. He walked faster. I turned right, he turned right too. What the hell? This guy's stalking me...

    "Why are you stalking me?!!!!" I shouted out loud. The smiled, then started to laugh...
    "hahaha, Hina, Hina, That really is you!! Thank goodness!!!" he said with a relieved smile.
    "why? youre the one who left."
    "yeah, we only transferred houses and schools. I called eventually and you didnt answer. I even tried eating cotton candy to lure you out!!"
    "but i had to stop myself!!" I said, annoyed.
    "I came to visit but you always arent there...remember when i told you i was always watching you?"
    "yeah you liar."
    "im not a liar. i will even say this for more than a million times. I am always watching you. Even if i have to watch from behind i will. its because i have come to like you a lot more than back then. you didnt answer my confession though. You just laughed like crazy and changed the topic"
    "i...im sorry." I said, as i couldnt hold back my tears anymore and i started to cry...
    "eeh?! Hina?! are you okay?!"
    "I tried to hide it....truth is...i also...like you"

    and so...ever since then, he would keep telling me that he only watches me again and again, but this time, our relationship has entered a whole new level...

    And, this is how simple i like it to be...