Tasha stood before her sister's grave. She stared down coldy while trying to hold back her emotion."Why'd you have... to leave us... This wasn't how it was suppose to go..." The young girl's strong front broke. "YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSE TO DIE!" Her hands covered her face as she cripled over. Tasha punched the ground in angry. "It was only... Only an accident... WHY!" Her fist pounded the wet dirt again. Streams of tears left lines down her face. Bitting her bottom lip, the depressed child bent over and pressed her forearms against the dirt. "Why... why..."
A flash of pale blue light appeared by the graveyard. All wind stopped. Even rain froze still for that moment. Tasha couldn't tell, she was so set on greaving for her sister that even when the dirt turned cold and the air became grey, she didn't see a thing. But when arising, she found that the gravestone standing before her had turned to a small wooden door. The girl looked at it with disbelief. "Why.... What?" Tash mumbled, slowly moving to her feet. She squinted and pushed a hand forward. There was no doornob nor handle so the girl only knocked on the wood. "Um... what?" Tasha was unsure of what was going on. And in the midst of thought, a voice came.
"So," It elegantly began, "You've come to see your sister?"
Tasha turned around to see a small mist. As she continued to watch it, it slowly transformed into a person, wings burst from it's back.
"I repeat: You've come to see your sister?"
Mythril did nothing but nod.
"Sorry, but she's not here. She never has been."
The figure gracefully moved to beside the grave door. His hand petting the door side. Again, Tasha had to reply with only a blank stare.
The winged man shook his head and with a straight face, he added, "You're sister, Reni, has left. She felt her death had not been rightly explained and has... tried to find a way to correct it. Rather depressing really, she could have just stayed here with me. She would have liked that I think. Wouldn't you?" He offered a hand, matched with a smirk. But seeing Tasha's non-responsiveness, he continued. "But still, it's a pity. No one knows where she ran off to. We assume her death place but going around with the living to find her could be hazordous. As it seems I have forgotten to mention that currently, do you not exist. You are inbetween worlds. Dead and alive. Both can see you. But be careful, I don't want you to ruin my perfect twilight zone I have going on." his dark eyes faded to white as he finished.
Tasha took a few moments to look around frantically. Her thoughts going just as fast, 'Of course this is a joke, it has to be. Maybe I hit my head on something when getting up. Or even just an imagination from all this greaving...' Tasha stopped for a moment to look at the figure. "So... then, who are you?" The girl asked, her thoughts written all over her face.
The man's eyes changed back to black, "You'd really like to know?" He flipped his hair and fluttered his wings, "I'm an angel of... fate. And why have I come? You see, your sister wasn't supose to leave and now I have to fetch her to put fate back in order. She's dead and must return to where she belongs, or else. Ever watch those shows about ghosts in houses? That's what happens when I go on vacation, and after I have to round them up. So more 'hauntings' happen because people keep dying and well... I like my vacations." He paused, his smirk still etched into his face. "But anyways, my name is Roy. However, you are to call me, 'master'."
Tasha couldn't help to ask, "Master?" Inside she felt slighlty humours to the title.
The angel became quite flustered, yelling back, "Yes! I brought you here! I changed your fate! I am your master!"
The teen girl turned away with a smirk, "Whatever you say."
Roy flew over to face her, still red in the face, "Yes 'whatever I say'! and I say you call me master. Not only that, I will make you do my will!"
"Which is to return my sister?" Tashaa whipsered, the smirk fading into a straight line.
"Yes. That is what I ask. You are to return her at no matter what cost, and I am to accompany you." With that, he locked Tasha's left hand to what seemed to be a leash.
'Now this has to be a joke.' The young girl thought, looking at it for a moment. 'But I guess it's better to face this, and this creep, than to never see Reni again. Ever.' Her blue eyes rose and met with Roy's. "So," she began hesitantly, "Ready to go?"
"Now you got it." 'Master' said, "whenever you're ready. Which I'm hoping is now."
Tasha nodded, "It is."
Crossing Over For Fate
Goat Tongue
Tasha lost her sister in an accident. But in grieving she has found a new choice; to go into the world between worlds and see her sister again. But this offer wasn't just given for free. The young girl has to return the spirit of her sister to her grave.
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