• Sofia looked down the dark and spooky stairs. It’s not worth It, she thought. She pulled her long, pink and silky skirt up and ran never looking back. She knew what she was leaving. It’s not worth it she thought again, and yet a part of her mind was pulling her back.
    “No!” she screamed out loud, pulling her from her train of thought. She will not let some boy make her go back and face her death. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She thought about those sliver blue eyes sparkling every time he laughed. Her mind wondered into how good and how amazing it felt to kiss his beautiful lips, but then in her mind his beautiful face turned evil.
    “No!” She screamed again. Sofia slapped herself. I am in danger. We are in danger. She must not forget it was his fault they were in danger. She walked to a little cottage and slammed the door open. Running fast so she will not be caught, she went to a pink nursery room. Her two month old baby girl was resting silently in a white crib. Her golden blonde hair, just like her mothers, spread out all over.
    Careful not to wake the baby, she picked her up. Holding the baby girl to her chest she ran out the door. Sofia pulled her dark cloak over her head as she entered town. No one needs to recognize me or my baby, she thought. In the middle of the street there were thousands of people fighting. Fighting for food, clothes or who knows what. Just for a reason to fight?
    “Sofia,” someone screamed from behind her. Sofia gasped and turned to see her best friend. “I’ll take her to Earth you just go and save yourself from Sabbath.”
    Sofia looked up and met his eyes. “I will repay you for this, John. I don’t know when or how, but I will. How’s your baby boy doing?”
    John smiled but I didn’t reach his eyes. “My baby boy is fine, but this girl won’t if we don’t get going.”
    A frown replaced the smile on Sofia’s face. “Thanks for reminding me,” she muttered.
    “Go Queen Sofia!” John’s voice was now frantic. Sofia looked down the street to see five of Sabbath’s soldiers running towards them.
    Sofia quickly handed the little girl to her best friend. “Take care of her. Give her to a family you know will treat her well. Then come back your boy and wife shall miss you.”
    “I promise” John replied gently taking the pretty girl in his arms.
    “Do you?” questioned Sofia. John looked into her very light blue eyes and said softly “I do.”
    John’s eyes were hard but they softened when he saw tears in Sofia’s eyes.
    They were brought out of this moment by the yells and screams of people all around them. Sofia quickly kissed the baby girl in john’s hands. “I love you,” she said softly. And with that she went running off down the street, too fast for anyone to catch up with her. John quickly took out his sword with one hand while holding the baby girl in the other. With one swing he hit the soldiers and they fell to the floor, gasping and praying that they may live.
    “You don’t deserve to live” john muttered to himself. Suddenly the little girl in his arms was squirming. “What is it? What do you want?”
    Of course the baby couldn’t answer. Her cries only got louder and louder.
    “Shush baby its okay,” cooed John.
    “Hey you!” boomed a voice. “….WAIT! WHERE ARE YOU GOING”
    John had toke off running. He hid behind a corner. The little girl’s cries stopped just as the man walked by missing them completely. Sighing a sigh of relief John took out a long needle plunging it into is arm. The next thing you know they poofed, but where did they go?