• I was studying Mark's face for the art class. We had to draw our partners face. He was flashing his white fangs at me, his black hair sweeping over his face, he had a tiny scar on his right cheek, it added a certain cuteness to his face. His nice, brown eyes watching me carefully, trying to look angelic. Let's face it, Mark was hot but he was one of my best friends and plus he had a girlfriend , who he loved. We live in a peaceful town called Tuck-ill-a-mario, but we call it TKM for short. You probably heard that vampire's are really evil and they only come out at night, but you're wrong. Wwe can come out at daylight too. We are just night people, you know? Of course we drink blood of people who died like minutes before we find out. Back to the subject.

    "Finished at last!" I exclaimed.

    "Finally!" Mark said, sarcastically.

    "OMG! There he is!!!?" I squealed, ignoring his sarcasm.

    I was in love with a guy named Nick J. Homall. He was one of the hottese dudes in my school but he never noticed me. Plus, he was dating my sister. He just passed me like any old day before. As I said before, he ignored me.

    "It's alright, Honey." Mark said, reasuring me.

    I looked at him. I just wish one day he would notice me. Just one day.

    "Are you guys done?" My teacher asked.

    "Yes Mrs. Jekyll." We both answered.

    "Come turn it in then." Mrs. Jekyll replied.

    this isnt the full thing so dont worry