• After i hurt and made you cry.
    After i did all those things to you.
    After i said i would never love you.
    After all those lonely nights i left you.
    Would you let me hold you?
    Would you still be my side?
    Would you still hug and kiss me?
    Even after that?
    Even after i killed you and brought you back so i can do it again?
    Even after i hurt and made you bleed even more?
    After all that gunfire and stabbing.
    Would you still be here for me?
    Would you still look to as thow im your all?
    Would you still let me look at you?
    Could you forgive me?
    Could you look at me the same way?
    After all those things i said to you?
    After all those cheats and heart akes.
    All those screams and broken glass.
    After all the pain i ever caused you?
    Even after all the lies, hits, and curses,

    Wold you still say "I Love You."