• became a ninja and accomplished my dreams of destroying all people who aren't asian or from another planet then,
    went to a place that was completely made out of stairs, where I followed a man scooting himself around on a flaming unicycle. After that, me and my teddy flew through the sky on a velvet carpet with golden tassles, and as we passed all of the stars, we remenisced about the times when we would hide in the clothes racks in department stores so the ghost wouldn't get us. We sure outsmarted him. I sang a song to the president of my country, Brennon, and we officially named it leavemealonia, then, all of the old white arristocratic men prisoners out of our jails escaped and built walmarts everywhere And now we all have to grow up, so we can be big enough to burn it down. I wish the grownups would be like us and see things how they are meant to be seen...through the eyes of a hopeful and imaginative child. time to go to bed now. goodnight.