• Catherine walks up the pathway to the house. "Sigh what a night. But I can't believe I had to kill again. " She looks up at the sky and the suns slowly rises. "Hm dawn already? Jeez, I never realized I was gone for so long. The others are probably worried now, especially Alex." As if by magic, Alex, her sister, suddenly appears by the door. "Hello there nii-chan!" Catherine doesn't say anything as she steps up the stairs. "Whats the matter? Oh wait a minute. You killed another did you? I understand your anger with the vampires and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

    Catherine listens quietly for a second and hears bickering coming from inside. "Sigh, I guess Wayne and Klaus are at it again?" She opens the door and Klaus chases Wayne with his sword drawn about to strike him when Wayne jumps over a piece of furniture with greater agility than Klaus had even with all of his swordsmanship training. Wayne comes around and kicks him back. Doing so made him the champion of this battle out of many more to come in the war. Wayne moves his sandy-blond hair out of his face and adjusts his belt holding his dagger. "Y'know you're lucky I didn't have to use this dagger this time. If I did you would have been screwed. Face it you aren't going to beat me with my speed and agility. Klaus gets up "Enough of your boasting. This was only one battle you good for nothing little--."

    Nathanial, or Nate he prefers, stands by drinking some wine in an elegant manner with a disgusted face. "Man there can never be a normal morning around here. Wayne must you instigate everything?" Wayne simply replies, "Oh c'mon ,fang-face, I was just having some fun." Nate gives him his trademarked death stare. "I assume you didn't just call me that to make fun of my race." Nate is a vampire but he hasn't become full blooded yet. As far as he knows he doesn't have any vampiric weaknesses. The only downfall to not having all the weaknesses is that he doesn't have the complete strength of a full blooded vampire. Unlike his vampire brethren, he does not want to cause all the trouble to all the humans. One reason why he hangs out with a bunch of "seemingly" humans. But when it comes to quenching his thirst that can be a problem at times.

    Kelly walks downstairs "Wow no one can ever sleep anymore." She twirls the stripe of purple in her hair. Nate and Klaus retire to the couch. Nate asks " Catherine, where did you go last night?" Catherine mentally cursed herself. "Um I couldn't sleep so I left outside for awhile. So if you guys don't mind I need to go upstairs for awhile." She leaves and Alex follows her. Nate tells Klaus, "I think something is up with her. I mean at night I have heard her screaming and occasionally talking to herself." Klaus replies, " I don't know why but I do get a feeling she is hiding a part of her from us." Wayne jumps in, "Well I guess we will find out soon enough."

    End of Chapter One