• I felt my heart begin to break. Nothing in this world mattered to me anymore...nothing...All I wanted was to tell him how I felt...But I could never tell him!
    I threw myself to the cold ground clawing at it like a mad animal. Tears streaked my face as I screamed and cried for Clark. I buried my face into the dirt, sobbing and wailing. I let my body shut down and block every other sound out of my head except for the faltering beat of my broken heart. Everything around me died...Everything around me died just like my memories of Clark...
    I lay there my face covered in mud my clothes brown and dirty. I couldn't move my body. The heart that made it work just would work anymore. I could think of nothing but Clark. The time when he laughed with me, and when he held me that one time before he left...every memory of him tortured me to my very soul. I wish I could dissapear and never come back.
    I began to sob again and I screamed for him.
    "CLARK! I want you to come back! You can't leave me here! You were all that I had left...why did you take that away from me!" I screamed repeating it over and over again. "CLARK! COME BACK!" I screamed. I began to dig my nails into my skin ripping away little pieces of flesh. I clawed at my skin weeping and crying for him. I wanted him to come back and let me tell him!
    "CLARK!" I sobbed. I cringed on the ground bringing my knees into my chest. I felt a hand touch my face. Shocked I looked up to see a boy standing over me his eyes full of concern.
    "Clark..." I whispered. I couldn't believe what was happening. Was this real? Was this really Clark.
    "Carol...I told you not to cry for me...You never listen." he sat down next to me and pulled me into his chest. I couldn't speak I couldn't even move. "Do you know how much I worried over you! You promised me that you wouldn't miss me!" He pulled me into him even tighter.
    "Clark!" I wailed pulling myself closer to him sobbing into his chest forgetting my promise to him. "I love you so much! I love you Clark! I love you! I love you! I LOVE--" he pulled me close to him and kissed me make me silent. He pulled me gently away and began to hug me again.
    "You never needed to tell me that...I already knew...I always knew...I love you! Everytime you hugged me...talked to me...laughed with me...I could sense it deep down in my soul...I could feel it...You would have never needed to tell me...I will always love you...I love you, Carol" He pulled my chin up and looked me in the eye. And kissed me again.
    "I love you...Clark..."