• I heard voices coming in and out. words i couldn't form, nothing scared me more then being blind. something soft like a fabric was around my eyes. am i dead? i thought, the only thing i remember was a guy and growling after that nothing but darkness. "she coming around" a voice said and it sounded next to me. a cold hand touched my forehead and i flinched. a whimper escaped my lips and that gave it away that i was awake. "welcome young one" a male voice said unwrapping my blindfold. i blink once, twice and the room we where in was larger, people walking in and out into another room that i couldn't see. their where some people wearing black cloaks where is was covering their faces. the one near me had a pleasant face, a smile was painted on it like it was his first time smiling, his golden eyes staring at me well more like examining me like im a crazy person and his black hair was on his forehead. he look pale and that spook me, maybe i was dead. "it ok you can speak" he said with a soothing tone. "um where am i?" i asked, i wanted to yell, scream let my voice to be heard by anyone outside of where i was kept but if i did i will fall into tiny pieces and i didn't want that. "ah your in a building in geom town" he said. "geom town?," my eyes widen a bit, they took me out of my home town and into a town that i heard was bad. "LET ME GO!!!!" i yell squirming a bit. what i didn't noticed was that im was in a chair only tied by my hands. "we cant'" he said anger seeping in. a figure came out of the shadows hie eyes where with sadness that it look like he couldn't cry. "please let her go, she been to much trouble" he said pleading for my release. then again that hissing sound echo off the room like last time and i flinched waiting for the blackness that wouldn't come. "No we cant, she one of them!" the older man who talk to me earlier said well screaming. " wait! wait!" i yelled trying to be heard but they didn't listen they kept arguing about this, about my freedom. another hiss came and hands where at my throat that i didn't see it happening. "ill kill her if you want max!" the old men said squeezing my throat. i whimper, i was in pain, i couldn't breathe. "p-p" i couldn't finish my sentence i was trying to converse my air supply. "let her go, john" max hissed walking toward us. "why should i? she one of them and she should die" john said. "we don't know that" and again blackness overwhelm me, but i heard hissing and bricks hitting the ground before i went under. i thought i died this time, will i be in a good position then in a bad one?

    To be continues =}