• An older version of me was telling me,
    “Your destiny is great youngling. Do not disappoint me or your coven! You will be powerful. Use your power to protect your family and defeat the Robicheaux. You are a Boli witch and the most powerful witch since my mother!”
    and then I woke up.
    Who was she? And who are the Robicheaux? And I’m not a Boli, I’m a Bollingarud! The lady must’ve been crazy. I don’t have a drop of witch blood in me! Zip, nada. My mom had me tested even! Which is of course why she left me to my drunken father. I still remembered the sting of her hand against my face when she discovered I wasn’t worth anything. The next day she left, leaving me to care for the farm because my dad is always hung over during the day from over drinking the night before.
    I groaned and rolled out of bed, nearly landing on Buckwheat, our blonde cocker spaniel who yelped in protest.
    “Sorry Buck.” I murmured as I walked to the barn to feed the horses. As the day wore on I did all of my chores, feeding, cleaning, training, weeding, watering, and such and only stopped once for a meal. Throughout my life I’ve learned not to eat until I was done with my chores. Mother hit me if I stopped. Father was asleep most of the time but if he happened to be awake I’d get hit 50 times harder than Mother’s hits, which sadly were becoming more and more frequent.
    By 5 ‘o clock I was done and I decided to go for a ride on Sunshine, a palomino mare. I saddled her and rode in the direction of Illusion Forest. Everyone seems to fear the forest and I don’t know why. It’s not that bad at all. The trail I was riding had become distinct because of how many times I’ve ridden on it.
    Maybe if I’m lucky ill reach the forest before the sun sets… I thought hopefully. Somehow I knew I would, although generally t takes a lot longer. I oddly felt compelled to pay a visit to Gallowline.
    But how will I cross the Wayle River?! I thought.
    You’ll see. The lady from my dream whispered.
    Who are you? I demanded. No answer of course. Maybe I’m going crazy… After 5 minutes of riding I heard another horse behind us. I checked myself for all 8 of my daggers. I slowed Sunshine to a walk so the person could pass. The rider instead just caught up and stayed with us. When I saw the mount, my breath caught in my throat. The magnificent beast was a gorgeous black stallion. And for some reason the rider looked familiar although I could swear I’ve never seen him in my life. He had blonde hair, peach skin, and blue eyes. He was wearing a pale blue tunic and cream pants. I pushed my blonde streaked brown hair away from my tanned face, revealing my pale green eyes. I mentally looked myself over. My spring green tunic was probably filthy and my darker green pants were definitely dirty along with my leather boots.
    “Where are you heading?” he asked.
    “Gallowline.” I replied.
    “How do you plan on crossing the river?” he asked.
    “Not exactly sure… where are you heading?” I asked back.
    “Gallowline as well. Is it okay if we travel with each other?” he asked. I could almost hear a hopeful tone. Why? I wondered.
    “Sure. How do you plan on crossing the river?” I asked.
    “I’m a warlock. Magic, of course.” He replied steadily, as if silently daring me to challenge him. I ignored it and asked,
    “How does magic work anyway?” he replied,
    “You concentrate on what you want to happen and you will it to, basically. That’s the most basic way. Why?”
    “Just curious… so what’s your name?”I asked.
    “Sam.” He replied.
    “Mine’s Sandy.” I told him. He didn’t give me his last name so I didn’t give him mine. I decided to see if I could do magic. I concentrated on a pebble rising above the ground and willed it too. Of course it didn’t work.
    Let it flow, the lady from my dream whispered. I concentrated on the pebble again but this time I let my life flow into the pebble, allowing it to rise. And it did.
    “Like that?” I asked.
    “Yes exactly. How did you do that?!” he asked.
    “I just did… Well now I can get across the river.” I answered
    “Ya, I guess.” He replied but he seemed a little distracted. We traveled in silence until we reached the forest.
    “Be careful. Watch both of our backs. The forest is dangerous.” Sam warned.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about Sam. I’ve been in the forest many times and nothing has even attacked me.” I replied heatedly. And then there was silence. The sun was setting when we reached the river I took a deep breath and concentrated on sunshine crossing the river and let it flow and she did, with me on top of her.
    “Wow.” Sam said and he transported his horse over the river and he seemed exhausted.
    “You okay?” I asked with concern clearly shown in my voice.
    “Ya. Magic takes a toll on your physical energy.” he explained.
    “I feel fine.” I protested.
    “I’m still trying to figure out why. Someone who is new to magic shouldn’t be able to do that! They should barely be able to left a pebble like you did, much less their mare with them on top of her!”Sam said. He wasn’t very talkative because the ride became silent yet again. We reached Gallowline about an hour after the sun had set.
    “Before we depart, I would like to say that I enjoyed your company, Sandy. If you ever need me, go to the Anthony complex and ask for Samuel Robicheaux.”
    Robicheaux!!! I thought. And with that he rode off and I felt an odd twist in my stomach.
    It’s just the big city, I told myself. But I knew it was something bigger but I don’t know what.