• Chapter 22
    It was around six o'clock and i was excited. I remember when i was packing my clothes, I packed the only dress I ever wore, the one i wore to my father's funeral.
    It was a very dark pink cocktail dress, it was the only one that i liked that my step mother would let me wear. I put some lip gloss that made my lips shimmer like the stars made the sky at night, then i straightend my hair as i warmed up my hands.
    It was going to be hard to put a dress on, so i had to make holes in the back so my wings could fit throw.
    I finished puting the dress on as i heard a knock at my door.
    "Who is it?" I asked, already knowing who it was.
    "It's Danny." I went and opened the door. He was wearing a black, unbuttoned tux with a muscle shirt under it.
    "Wow, you look........amazing." Danny said, staring at me. He was the one that looked amazing, not me. "I got some cat food for-"
    "Snow." I said inturpting him and completeing his sentence.
    He handed me the food and i grabbed a plastic bowl and dumped the food in. I set the bowl down on the floor, next to her my-clothes-that-I-dont-wear-often-and-blankets-bed.
    "You ready?" He asked, looking at me smileing the smile that always made my heart skip a beat.
    "Yeah." I said, walking out of my room, walking beside Danny. He took my hand then looked at me. His hand was so soft and smooth but it was so cold, not like freeze-my-hand-cold but cold enough to make me shiver. I looked at him hand and then looked at his face to find him smileing from ear to ear.
    He walked me to the front of his apartment room door.
    "Ladys first." He said softly as he opened his door.
    It looked AMAZING, the room was still the color of velvet red, one table in the middle of the room, and one candle lit in the middle of the table. Then there were candles lit every where around his room. But where was his bed?
    He walked me to my chair, pulling it out for me. I thanked him and sat down. He walked to his chair, sat down, then snapped his fingers. A waiter that look exactly like him appeared.
    "Can i get something to drink? Madame?" He said looking at me, smileing.
    I returned his smile. "Water please." I looked back at Danny.
    "Two waters please." He said. looking at me. The waiter nodded then walked away. I looked around the room in aw for awhile then looked back, Danny still staring at me.
    "What?! Do i have something on my face?!" I asked as i coverd my face with my hands.
    "NO not at all, you just look so beautiful in the candles light." He said softly ands smileing at me. I blushed.
    The waiter returned a minute later with our drinks in hand.
    "Thank you," we said to the waiter as he set our water on the table.
    "I hope you both like steak.'
    "I LOVE STEAK!" I said very excited. I hadn't had steak in such along time, it use to be my favrite food. Till i had chinese food.
    The waiter smiled at me then walked away again. He came back seconds later with two silver covered platers in his hands, he sat them infront of us and lifted the covers.
    There, sitting on the platers were two juicey steaks with mashed potatos, butter running down the side and sliced, steamed carrots on the side.
    "This all looks delicious, thank you so much Danny!" I was really excited that i got all this just for my birthday.
    "Anything for you." He said takeing a a bite of his potatos. I took a bite of my steak and it just made my mouth water, the taste was just like a steak at a barbaque party, like it just came off the grill. It was so good! Danny laughed slightly and said that I looked like i hadn't eaten in years! I took a bite of the potatos, they were so creamy, it was like butter on corn, smooth.
    I ate EVERYTHING! My plate was sparkling when i was done with it.
    The waiter came back and took our platers.
    "I hope your not to full for dessert." He said looking at me.
    "No, course not!" Even dessert! Now I started to feel extra special.
    The waiter left then came right back with two smaller silver covered platers. He set the platers infront of us again and lifted the covers for us again.
    I admitt, i started drooling when i saw our dessert. Sitting infront of us two thinnly cut, moist, chocolate cake with creamy, chocolate fudge frosting. I looked at it, ran my finger gently across the cake, picking up some frosting and lifted inside my mouth. Delicious.
    This time i ate slowly cause mt stomach was starting to hurt. I finished eating after Danny.
    "That was amazing! I haven't eaten anything like that in years!" I said licking my fingers again. "Thank you for everything, I really appriciate it." I continued to say. He didn't answer, he just smiled and stared at me. I waved my hand infront of his face and he blinked like he didn't hear anything that I just said.
    "Sorry about that, but your welcome and no problem. You liked everything, right?" He said smileing at me, knowing the answer.
    "Yes i loved it! All of it was delicious." I said smileing more at him.
    After that, we stared at each other, i gazed off into his amazing ocean blue eyes that i loved so much. Then we started to talk about our lives that we had before we meet each other, then i looked at the clock, it was eight thirty!
    "Wow, already! I'm sorry but i have to go make dinner for Casey. Thanks again." i said getting up out of my chair.
    "Thanks for coming." he said getting out of his chair too. He walked over to the door and put his hand on the wall where there was a piece of paper with writeing on it, just like the one that was attached to Snow's back.
    He peeled the paper off and the nice looking room went away and his messy, disaster of a room appeared.
    "Ok then, i have to go change." I said walking towards him. I gave him a hug and looked at his blushing face.
    I walked out of his room and walked back to mine. I changed into my pajamas and made some mac and cheese for Casey. I left a note for her, say that i had put there was mac and cheese for her in the microwave.
    I turned off the light and crawled into my bed. I still couldn't believe that Danny made that dinner all for me. I was started to fall asleep with a smile on my face when i heard a knock at the door.