• i heard pounding which annoyed me. i shook my head trying to make the noise less annoying but it didn't help. i thought i was in my room sleeping having a horrible nightmare till hissing and growling interrupted my own dreams. i open my eyes slowly to see two figures going at each other. clinks and clanks was coming off them as they hit each other. the sliver light reflected on one, they had swords now. i tried to remember how they got themselves a sword but it was no use. more hissing and growling came from the two figures. "Stop.." i mumbled to the floor, shaking my head more violently. But no use they kept going. "Stop.." i tried to raise my voice but still it sounded low to me. they kept at each other. "STOP!!!!" i finally yelled looking up and panting at the same time. they listen looking at me with their looks. one had black hair with red eyes, well they both had red eyes but the one with black hair was cute.. my heart thump one big thump and i look away. but i look back focusing on the other one, he glared at me, his grey hair in spikes. his fingers which looks like claws from where i could see them was shaking. i wanted to move my arms but they where tied down. "What?" john said his anger seeping in them. "stop" i said to him full of command. "Why would a human do, tied up, tell me what to do" john throw his head back and laugh. his teeth was sharp fangs my mind told me fangs. the other boy face was calm but he lips was in a upward position he was smiling. i wanted to ask why but john interrupted my thoughts. "Now little girl, you have something inside you that is a danger for us, so we are going to.. kill you" john said pointing his sword at me. that was when a blur came through and john was on the ground with the boy on his stomach and his sword at his throat. "she isnt going to die john.. not till i teach her" he growled.
    "fine teach the human, but if she isnt teach ill deal with her myself" he grin at me.
    The boy walk over to me and untied me. i moved my hand in front of me and moved them. "much better" i said with a grin. he had his hand out, palm upwards, waiting for me to take it and i did. we both left the place fast. His name is max i learn and he told me about vampires. i was scared and kinda not believing him till he showed me what he can do. i couldn't say but i... i trust him.. putting my life on hims so i hope he doesn't kill me, like the books I've read in the past.