• Kaelan gazed around the large city, for the first time in his life he wasn’t caged inside a glass tube, like some kind of lab experiment. He was only dressed in a pair of jeans he had been able to scrounge up during his escape, but otherwise adorned nothing else. His hair was dirty blond and wet dripping water onto his exposed skin. He got stares and murmurs from all the people who walked by him, some were even bold enough to point and yell crude things at him. He ignored them like you would a small insect until a police officer approached him, making him stop with a huff. “What the hell do you want”, he asked annoyed scratching his neck.
    Before the cop even had a chance to say anything Kaelan cut in, “Let me answer that for you, nothing.”
    Small red veins traced their way up his cheek and he flicked a finger carelessly as the man’s head flew from his neck blood splattering everywhere, as people screamed. He kept walking on as if nothing had even happened. People either rushed to the body or ran as fast as they could from it. He just yawned, “How boring, humans are so fragile.”