• Akira:The Darkness Part 3

    I was sitting there.Rocking back and forth,in front of the Prince like a crazed animal.He only shook his head.
    "You need to control your anger."He said.Yeah right,he needs to stop getting in my business!Hell, I was better left dead than in this room where he makes fake love to his personal whores.Kingdom life,is a piece of crap from my view!
    "You say that but,you don't mean it.You can't even control your anger.I heard you yelled at the Princess at dinner,and slapped her."I laughed and stood up and headed for the door.Just then he rammed me into the wall.He hand one of my arms behind my back.
    "Now see here miss.I am trying to help you.And your making it VERY hard for me to help,if you keep having a attitude."He snarled.If he plans to make me one of his whores.I'm so going to kill him in his sleep.I thought over and over again.
    "Well you see.I had to build my attitude over the years,I HAVE to protect myself from men like you and your guards.I have had a harder life than you ever will know,prince.Let me go,or I'm going to kill you like I did the other guard.You want that?Hmmm???"I retorted.I struggled a little.
    "No this is what I want."He said, he started to punch me vigorously.

    ~2 weeks later~
    I was beat to hell and back, and tortured, he pretty much burn me with a smoking pipe.And released from the kingdom.I walked out a free,but scarred young woman.A single tear slipped on my cheek.I was free.Even though I lost a part of me as well, my dignity.I walked through town,so many men hitting women.It was harsh.There was a girl about fourteen riding on a horse.
    "Where are you going?"I asked her.She jumped off her horse, and stared at me for a second.She had red hair.Blue eyes and thin lips.Pretty but serious.
    "I am looking for young women like myself to join a clan.My clan.Who have lost their home,friends,etc.I see that your one of those girls.What is your name?"Her voice was deeper than a fourteen year old.More like a eighteen year old.
    "Akira.And i have just be released from a damned kingdom."I replied.She extended her hand.
    "Come with us.You want revenge?We help with it.You want money we give you it.We have no men in our life's.No need for them.Do you want to avenge something?Since your eyes don't lie."She smirked.
    "Yes in the matter of fact.I do.I'll join."I shook her hand

    ~End of Part 3~.