• I didn’t know how much we screwed the plan up until the smoke alarm went off. As soon as we heard it, Michael stopped and glared at me.
    “It wasn’t me, I swear!” I protested. Just because I could combust anything I touched he automatically thought all the fires in the universe where my fault. Although, if I thought about it, neither of us had checked to see if any of the security cameras I fried where smoking or anything… Who cared? All it meant was that we had to hurry up and leave before the fire department showed up. sweatdrop
    Mira ran through the door at that moment, breathing hard with her platinum white hair falling in her face. And when I say she ran through the door, I mean she ran straight through the closed door of a maximum-security bank vault. She could walk through any object with the slightest ease, which, combined with my flammable weirdness and Michaels inhuman strength, was why Rita thought we could pull of the robbery.
    “We need to leave, like, right now!” She said in between gasps. “There’s a fire in the main room!” She picked up my backpack full of pyro junk and ran through the opposite wall, and in a few moments, into the alley where Michael’s car was parked. I sniffed the air for a moment and smelled smoke. s**t. We really needed to hurry. Michael glared at me again, and loaded a few more gold bars into his backpack. I sighed as well, zipped up my already full backpack and handed it to Michael, then sat down and waited for Mira to come back.
    She came back in a few moments looking infinitely for worried, grabbed our arms, and led us through the wall. I tensed up and closed my eyes right before we hit the wall. No matter how many times we did this, I still felt like I was going to smash my head open. A few seconds later Mira let go and I opened my eyes. Michael was already putting our stuff in the back of the car, and Mira was starting the car. Somewhere in the distance I could here sirens, probably from the firefighters and police that where undoubtedly coming this way.
    “Zeta!” Mira snapped, breaking me from my thoughts. “Get in the car! Now!” I ran to the car and slid in the back seat next to Michael. (He was too big to fit in the shotgun seat) I had barely got my seatbelt on when Mira backed the car out of the alley and started driving at almost twice the speed limit.
    “Couldn’t you drive slower?” I half asked, half begged.
    “Yeah, won’t we get arrested?” Michael said while eyeing the speed dial. I wasn’t the only one who was scared of Mira’s driving.
    “Nonsense!” Mira scoffed, while shifting lanes and running a red light. “The cars invisible. No one can see us.” (Courtesy of her other power)
    “That’s why I’m worried.” I responded “We could get hit.” Mira ignored me and kept driving.
    After fifteen minutes (Thought the drive should have taken a half-hour) we got to our base, a five-story ex-apartment building made of brick that Rita had bought a year ago. Before she bought it, all the occupants had left and it was scheduled to be demolished. Now it had a ten-car garage, a basement with three levels and a helicopter-landing pad. (And, I might add, a swimming pool and a rather nice garden.) The car skidded to a stop, (adding a nice new pair of tire marks to the already unnaturally black driveway) and the doors slowly opened. Rita was waiting for us, along with Jack and Aiden. She was wearing a black leather jacket over a blood-red tank that perfectly matched her long, painted nails and dyed hair.
    “What did we do?” Mira asked me under her breathe.
    “No freakin’ idea.” I hissed in reply.
    I glanced at Rita again as I got out of the car. She looked royally pissed about something all right. s**t.