• It's time to discuss seeds. Strange little buggers, aren't they?

    First, let's start with sesame seeds. You'd be suprised how many people take those little things for granted. Well I for one, decided to think on the little seeds that have so blatantly occupied my bun yet illiciting no thought. I think if one day we all woke up to a world without sesame seeds, a very few number of people would notice they were gone. Few people would look at their buns and say "Hey. Where'd all the sesame seeds go? Now all my buns will be plain."
    So then, what do you get when you plant a sesame seed? A sesame tree? A sesame bush? Sesame street? Or, do we plant a sesame seed and then little pre-seeded buns grow up out of the ground? Because upon further reflection, I have never seen sesame seeds on anything except burger buns. And never white and black seeds on the same bun. We live in a free nation, yet continue to segregate our buns. White seeds on this bun, black seeds on that bun. I think it may be the South's quiet revenge on the civil rights activists, but now they've been ousted.
    The next object of intrest is 'seedless watermelons'. What do you plant to get a seedless watermelon? Water? And the do the seeds extracted from these melons get planted to become legitimate watermelons? And if so, is that a melon transplant or a seed transplant? Someone has some explaining to do.
    Then of course there all the entirely different 'buds'. Do these things even constitute as seeds? Because they are clearly on a higher level than their thiny, edible bretheren. These guys are crazy. They don't need your measly soil, your crummy water, your overrated sunlight. Heck, they don't even need your dang approval. They just pop up, regardless of whether or not you're ready for a bud-based relationship (they're very foward). You could try and punish them. Stick them in the closet and refuse to plant them until next spring. Does that stop them? Do they care? No. They grow anyways. Today; autonomy in our flower beds. Tomorrow; in our robots. It has to stop.

    Seeds: just as mysterious as Bigfoot or aliens? Oh yeah.