• On a man made island floating somewhere between the Greek isles and Japan there exists a school. The School is Called Z University. This Particular school is not like any other. This school is the first school to welcome all sorts, humans, demons, elves, fairies, wizards, and warriors alike. Z University was opened in the honor of the Humans, Elves, and Demons that sealed away the Zodiacs. The University was created as a symbol of the new peace in the world.

    "Hey Riely isn't this amazing?" I turned to tell my brother who was hiding behind me. Riely never was into new things, that's why he always stayed close to mum. When she told us that we would be attending Z University I was excited, but Riely was not. I swear he can be such a mollycoddle.
    Looking around the large room I saw a stage, a set of stairs (which I'm sure lead to the rest of the school), and lots and lots of students of all ages and races. I think I even saw a troll wearing a toga. Anyway I turned my focus to the stage and noticed that there were some adults starting to gather there. I turn to my brother, "Hey Riely I think they are starting the orientation." I pointed to the stage while dragging him to the front of the crowd. Even though the room was overly crowded I had no problem making my way to where I wanted to go, I have been told I have always been pushy but I don't see it.
    "Sean wait I-I don't want to go up there." Riely said so quietly I could barely hear him. He could at least speak up, I know he doesn't like change but we are here and he had better get used to it.
    "Awe c'mon Riely. We are here might as well make a place for us right?" I polled him faster and harder and eventually we made our way to the front. We finally got there and this old guy, who must be the principal. He finished speaking and we were sent off to find our rooms (our room numbers were given to us before hand and our stuff was sent there before us).
    When Riely and I arrived to our room we heard voices inside. We were supposed to share a room with two other boys. I stood outside for a second wondering what our roommates were like. I wishing with everything I had that they weren't weird or worse, a** holes. I turned to look at Riely who looked absolutely terrified, and turned the door knob.
    When I opened the door there they were. One guy had spiky blue hair with these outrageous orange eyes and his clothes matched. The other guy looked dopy. He had long silver hair that was tied back with a black bow. His eyes were a crystal blue and glasses. His clothes were normal enough though, collared shirt and tie.
    They were both sitting on a bed. The one in blue sat in the middle cross legged and the silver haired guy sat on the edge. I thought the one in the blue must be some sort of-I don’t know but he just seemed weird, great just what I needed.
    “Hey what’s up? I’m Kuro,” the guy in the blue waved at us. Riely hid behind me even more after that, if that was at all possible.
    “Uh hey,” I said, “I’m Sean and this is supposed to be my brother Riely.” I turned and gave Riely a little glare. I mean really the least he could do is come and meet the people we will be living with for the next school year as strange as they were.
    The silver haired guy smiled, “Shy isn’t he that’s ok, I’m Trinity it’s nice to meet you Sean.” Trinity stood up and walked over to shake my hand. Alright so maybe he isn’t as dopy as I thought he would be, but he is still weird yep.
    “So um, where are you guys from anyway?” I asked them. I mean kids from this school were from all over the world right? So they have to be from somewhere but Kuro didn’t get, I think.
    “Uh Eden,” was the Kuro’s answer. My Papa told about all sorts of places but he never told me anything about Eden, oh well I’ll get my answer out of Kuro another time.
    Trinity's cheeks turned a little pink, “Well I’m from two places. I was born in Japan but my mother raised me in Rome. Ah, you and your brother are from Ireland? You’re accent is giving you away.”
    Hah! I may sound Irish but he is way off! “Nope me and my brother are from Japan!” I told him. I am really proud of my heritage, my Papa is from Ireland but he came over to Japan to live and that’s where he met Mama. I have an accent because I spent all of my time with Pa, and Riely doesn’t because he spent all of his time with Mama.
    Trinity looked confused, “Really? Oh I see one of your parents must be Irish then.” All right so maybe Trinity isn’t all that much of a dope.
    We spent the rest of the evening talking about where we were from. Kuro kept talking about never seeing water before he came here, I’m telling ya this guy is off his nut.

    (plese comment it helps me write better ^^)