• "What...Did...You..Do?...If she's hurt in any way...I swear I'll kill you..." his tone was stern, and Remi looked at him and laughed. "Stupid kid..Stay out of our way...unless you want to get hurt...or killed" and Remi walked away.
    Haruo watched him leave...
    Pure anger raced through his heart. His mind was clouded with images of him stabbing that jerk in the face about a million times.
    He looked at Gimi, she was asleep and seemed so peaceful.
    "Oh Gimi......What have you gone and done this time..." he sighed as he carried her to her dorm.

    **The next day**
    Gimi woke up in her bed. "Perhaps it was all a really bad dream.." she said as she rubbed her eyes. She got up and started to get dressed when her bedroom door suddenly opened. She screamed and held a pillow in front of herself. "Gimi?....are you up yet?" Haruo asked sleeply then he saw her holding the pillow up to herself and asked stupidly "Uhhh....what are you doing?" Gimi got so mad at him that she started to throw anything she could find at him, the only problem was that Haruo took a daily visit to the dojo so she missed everytime she threw something at him. "What- Are - You- Doing???" he asked in between throws. Untill she resorted to throwing the only thing she had left within arm's reached (wich was btw her pillow that was covering herself) so she threw the pillow!
    Haruo was caught off gaurd from the akwardness and the pillow smacked him in the face. Gimi shouted out "Yes I got him!" then she felt a slight breeze........ She screamed again and then ran into her closet. In the meantime haruo was covering his nose.
    (darn it....hey u guys brb)