• Chapter 8

    “Kei what are you doing?” A voice asked. I opened my eyes and it was my mom.
    “Kei sweetie you shouldn’t sleep on my bed. Why don’t you go see the baby?”
    I got up and left the room. Now I knew this was the dream. My mom wouldn’t be in the hospital if it wasn’t.
    I went to the front desk and asked where Sora Yukisho was. She answered and I went to room 928. When I got in there she was fast asleep. I walked over to her.
    “Hah ha, wow Sora, you were cute when you were born.”
    She wiggled in her sleep. I laughed again then I shook.
    What’s going on? Is someone trying to wake me up?
    “Kei wake up now! Kei get your lazy but out of sleep!” Someone said
    “What did you wake me up f- What is that smell?” I smelled around more and I knew there was fire somewhere.
    “Kei we all went to sleep and I woke up and there was a fire everywhere. Everyone’s out except for me and you, let’s go.” Hammy said pulling my arm. We went to the door and the fire had gotten in front of it.
    “Kei get up now. This is no time to be afraid.” I sank to the floor and covered my eyes.
    “No there is no fire. It’s just in my head. There is no fire!”
    Hammy grabbed me and jumped off the ledge of the window.
    When we hit the ground I was caught and so was Hammy. I looked at the house and hugged the person that caught me. He hugged back. I knew it was Iyanjo. He is the only guy I know who will hug me.
    We hugged harder and I almost kissed him again. When they put the fire out everyone asked me what happened. My parents came home and sent the media away.
    “Kei are you okay? Is Sora Okay?” My mom asked hugging me.
    “Yeah mom we’re both okay.” I said looking around.
    I felt my head strain. “Ow, what was that?”
    I started feeling dizzy and I saw it. I saw the person I hated most on this earth. I saw her, my stupid sister Marissa.
    “Ow.” I looked up and she started to walk. I followed her.
    “Where are you going Kei?” Evan asked coming up to me. I ignored him and followed my sister. She started to go to the hospital that Adriana was taken to. I started to walk faster but then I got pulled back.
    “What are you trying to do get run over?” Evan said pulling me back.
    “Follow me Evan.” I said pulling him to the hospital.
    “Evan you know my sister Marissa right? Well I saw her a couple minutes ago.” I said entering the hospital.
    “That’s impossible she died last year.” He said stopping me.
    “There she is! Where is she headed to? Let’s follow her Evan” I said starting to run towards her. He followed.
    She stopped for a minute and looked at us. She turned around and went into a room. We followed her and found ourselves in Adriana’s room. She was over by Adriana. She looked at us, then at Adriana, then back at us.
    “Get down now Kei!” I dropped down to the ground. Evan was still standing and looked flushed. I looked at my so called sister and she was gone.
    “Where’d she go Evan?” I asked getting up.
    He didn’t answer. I walked over to Adriana and she was awake. She looked at me and closed her eyes.
    “Good Afternoon Adriana.” I said waving at her.
    She smiled.
    She didn’t talk. I heard the door click and turned around. Evan had left.
    I looked back at Adriana and she was asleep.
    “Okay then, I guess I’ll leave then. See you.” I walked out of the hospital. I walked to a bus stop so I could get to Allison’s house. I got on the bus and I was so tired that I fell asleep.