• In a circular room, which looked more like the underbelly of a run down bomb shelter, a group of dark clad figures were in a heated discussion. “Greed! You know we can’t just sit back and let this happen!” Proclaimed one of the young bucks standing in front of the desk centralized in the room. “The Royal family has been captured and the Citizens are terrified and tortured daily. Not to mention the few who decided to take advantage of the chaos and put more Citizens in danger!” The one standing to his left interjected with a reply of his own, “How do you suppose to weasel through four legions of PREPS, two squadrons of PSCYCSO PREPS, and then take out Doveless? Answer me that Kain!” “So you’d let 4 million innocent people become slaves to some clone-copy alien bastards and let the Royal family become prisoners of some sadistic overlord? I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a PREPS b***h!” Kain retaliated. “You lousy son-of-a-bit---““That’s enough!” The order came from the figure sitting behind the desk. Complete authority etched in every line of the man’s being. “Kain. Chris. We will discuss this later. You are dismissed.” The tension seems to follow the two as they left the room. Another figure made his presence known by changing position from lounging causally on the only couch in the room to a sitting position. “Do you plan to make the extraction?” He asked Greed. After a moment of silence, Greed unfolded from his chair behind the desk and looked at Jovich. “We can not leave the Royal family there. The capital can wait.” “And the other Citizens?” asked Jovich. “We will get as many out as possible, but our main objective in liberating the Royal family.” “Affirmative. I will inform the others.” Jovich vacated the couch and left the room. A figure moved in the shadows behind the desk and approached Greed. “Their dead. The king and queen were killed in the struggle. Only the three heirs remain. My informants report that there is a suspicion that only two are alive. Which two is unknown.” Responded the shadowed figure. “Dimitri. You are my closest friend and most trusted comrade. One of the best fighters I have ever been honored to fight alongside. You’re the only one I can rely on to get in the compound, grab the heirs and get out. I can’t ask you to do this---““Shut—up Greed. You talk too much. Of course I’ll go. Hell…I would kill for a good adrenaline rush right now. Perfect opportunity, might as well take it. But won’t that put us in danger. Doveless will come looking for the heirs.” “That’s what I fully intend.” “I’m confused…” “I know. Just trust me. I have this planned out perfectly.”