• Ring ~ Ring ~
    “Hello?” I asked, dazed.
    “Vivi, HURRY UP! You’ll be late for school! You know, if your late again the teacher will have to give you detention.” My best friend Yoora reminded me, for the billionth time.
    Hello, my name is Vivienne Rivers; and I’m 16 and have a horrible secret, I had witnessed my parents being murdered, and no one knows it, except for Yoora. I go to East High school. I have two best friends, Josh, who is my ‘big brother’ and Yoora, who is my ‘Little Sister’. My only family, since I have none.
    “Hey Vivi! How are you?” Yoora asked nonchalantly.
    “I’m good. You seem...bored.”
    “Yup. Incredibly bored. Well...fifty/fifty. I am stressed about the project that is due in a couple of days. Also, ‘Miss I’m So Much Better than Thou’ is hounding me to do her homework because she’s too stupid to pick up a book and study! Get this, if I say no she will show everyone that embarrassing picture from last year’s grad party! Gosh! She thinks she can just parade around expecting people to do her dirty work!” Yoora screamed in a whisper, if that’s possible.
    “Hey, Hey! Calm down! I don’t know why she is bothering you so much; I just have to ignore her like she ignores me. She doesn’t know my secret so I don’t care.”
    “Whose bother who? Is it that stuck up chick again?” I spun around and saw Josh, my ‘big brother’ not my real one. I admire him so much!
    “Hey Josh! How are you? Yea it’s that stuck up chick, oh what was her name? Taylor...yea Taylor!” I recalled as her snooty face came into mind.
    “Oh, I don’t like her she is really not nice, at all!” Josh exclaimed.
    “Oh amen to that!” I just had to agree! I mean she is snooty. “Hey Yoora are you almost done with homework for Trig?” I wanted to spark a conversation.
    “Oh yea! I just need to do my History and English homework, and then, practice my Spanish. How about you?”
    “I finished is all, so yea, no homework for me!” Hahaha. She has a load of homework and I got nothing!
    “LUCKY! Oh time to go!” We started for the door when the bell rang.
    Ding Dong~
    “Well see you Yoora! Make sure to get your project done!” I yelled.
    “Yea, yea... see you Monday! You make sure to call me! I may need help on that dreaded assignment!” She yelled back.
    Ring Ring~ Ring Ring~
    “Hello?” I asked.
    “Hello? Vivi?” That voice sounds like...like... Josh!
    “Yea, Josh?” ‘What does Josh need?’ I thought.
    “Yea, listen I need to speak to you.” He sounded serious.
    “You sound really serious. Is everything okay?” I said in a nervous voice.
    “-sigh- How do I put this I know what you, secret is. And, I won’t tell anyone. I promise!” I felt the tears well up in my eyes, he knew!
    “How? How do you know? Who told you? Was it Yoora?” I started hounding him about how he knew about it. I hope it wasn’t Yoora; she would never do that to me.
    “Long story short, the dude who supposedly ‘murdered’ your parents came to school today, to look for you. And he asked me, and he also told me what he had done. So, instinctively I called the police, he is now in jail. Vivi, don’t hold it in anymore.” That broke me, the man who murdered my parents, was in prison. The tears came spilling over; I sat there crying, with Josh comforting me from over the phone.
    “Thanks Josh, I meant to tell! I really did! I...I...I was just nervous and scared.” I just had to ask curiosity was killing me.
    “Um, well I guess I had this feeling that you need someone to tell, and I kind of found out. You don’t need to keep it a secret, just tell people you ultimately trust.” At that exact moment a wave of happiness came over me, I always liked him, wanting him to care. “Can I meet you at Rainbow Park? In 10 minutes?”
    “Sure, I’d like that!” I pulled out a pair of yellow skinnies, a brightly colored spaghetti strap top, and some teal converses. I ran to the park which was a good 10 minutes away, there on the swing I saw Josh.
    “Hey Josh! What did you call me out here for?” I asked puzzled.
    “I don’t want you to hold it in, cry, you know I’m here for you. I am your best friend after all!” He said while giving me a warm smile, I embraced him in a tender hug and a few tears rolled down my cheek.
    “Thank you, thank you so much for everything, I want to remain by your side. I really like you, you know. I’ve always wanted to tell you that, ever since we were little kids. ” I smiled an equally warm smile, and he kissed me in response, the kiss filled with passion and love, tenderness and caring. I knew, at that exact moment, I was no longer alone, that I was never alone; I always had Josh by my side, caring when other people didn’t. I’m glad to have a guy like Josh in my life. I love him so much.