• I woke up in a cold sweat. There screams echoing through my head. I wanted to forget that night, there shill screams, and me just not stopping. I ran my hand through my hair and then got up, Ren was sleeping happily and peacefully. I walked up, the only person still up was Talon.

    “Great.” I mumbled to myself, but still heading over to sit next to him. “Don’t sleep well either?” I asked standing over next to him. He looked up.

    “Yeah, I can never get a peaceful night of it.” He smiled. “Please sit down, and sorry about earlier, I should understand better then anyone the pain of being like this.”

    “Care to elaborate?” I asked.

    “I also killed my family, but that was a long time ago.” He leaned back along the log and looked up at the sky. “You have to learn to forget your past no matter how much it haunts you.”

    “I know.” I picked up a stick and started playing with it absently, I felt his hand on my shoulder, I shook it off not used to the contact.

    “Listen caring this on your shoulders. Your going to turn into me a cold b*****d who is to afraid to actually be himself.” He got quite. “And who pushes his problems on the girl who just came here.” He got up. “I’m sorry.”

    “Hey, if you want to talk I’m a good ear. We know what each other is going through, and I am only new to the camp, not this world.” I said. “Sit back down, I don’t care if you confess your deepest darkest secret to me. I won’t tell anyone.”

    “I just don’t want you turning into me. Learn to let it go, forgive yourself. It’s the best thing any of us can do.” He left me and went to his tent, his words still in my head. I sighed and looked up at the sky, wishing my brother was here. He would know what to do, what I should do.

    I must of dozed off, I was woken up to Ryan kicking me. “Good morning sleepy head.” He said laughing, he held out his hand to help me up. I took it. “So why did you crash out here?”

    “Couldn’t sleep last night and then I came out here to get some fresh air. I must of fell asleep.” Talon was no where to be seen.

    “Don’t fall for him.” Ryan suddenly said.


    “Talon, I know you are looking for him. You were talking to him last night as well. Just saying don’t fall for him. It would end up only hurting you. He is our leader, he has to be alone, to make decisions for us.”

    “I’m not falling for him, I was just talking to him.” I recoiled. “Going for a walk, I’ll be back.” I went to the forest, it was cooler in it and still dark. I found an old oak tree and leaned against it. I was not falling for him, he was an a**. His words echoed through my head again. Forgive yourself. It’s the thing any of us can do.

    I slide down it, and sat on the ground. Listening to the birds sing there songs, and just make the music of the forest. I picked up a fowl smell on the wind, death. It was more of a human death though, i followed the smell. I looked down a cliff, an attacked camp, mauled overnight. The family's blood was scattered along the trees, it wasn't a wolf attack. I jumped down to look at the body of a taller balding man. He had bit marks in his neck, the mark of a vampire.

    "What's down there?" I heard Ryan say. I looked up at the cliff.

    "Looks the work of a vamp." I said. He jumped down and walked over to me, I showed him the wound.

    "Great." He looked around his eyes catching movement. "Small girl over there." I looked up and met her innocent brown eyes. I walked slowly over to her.

    "I'm not going to hurt you." I said calmly as she pressed herself against the cliff. "Don't worry its safe." I held out my hand and knelt down next to her. "Its ok." She grabbed my hand and pulled herself close to me, hugging me. She was cold and shivering.

    "Lets bring her back to camp." Ryan said, I nodded and picked her up. She fell asleep at some point, exhausted. I was just glad she wasn't injured by the stupid leaches.

    "Who's this?" Ren asked running up to us as we came into camp. I shrugged and sat down, her arms still wrapped around me. Talon walked up to us, as she was eating.

    "Hey hun." He said calmly. "I'm Talon who are you?"

    "She not talking bud." I said. She just looked at Talon and then went back to eating. "Can't even picture what she is going through." I ran my hand through her hair.

    "Well try to get her name at the very least, we can call her into town that way." I nodded and he left. "Ryan come on I need to talk to you."

    "Be right back." He ran after Talon.

    "Kate." She said suddenly. I looked at her. "My name is Kate."

    "Well, Kate do you have a last name?"

    "Lins." She played with her food. "What happened to my parents?" I bit my lip.

    "I don't really know, but I will be right back I have to talk to someone." I got up and ran after Talon as he was leaving the camp.

    "Better be important." He said.

    "I got her name. A Kate Lins." He stopped and turned towards me.

    "That's good, did she say anything about last night," He crossed his arms an leaned against a tree.

    "She asked what happened and I am not going to bother her about it. She lost her parents." I said, he laughed. "What."

    "Its probably for the best, after all they were kill by leaches."

    "You unfeeling b*****d." I hissed walking away, only to her him laugh faster.

    "Later lover." He yelled. I walked back to the camp, cooling off before I sat down next to Kate. Ryan was playing cards with her, he read my face. "Talon."

    "Of course, he pisses us all off." He said. "Just leave it." I nodded and joined their game.

    "I just called her in. They want us to drop her off at the rangers cabin just down the mountain." Ren explained sitting down next us. "I'll go seeing I have a good relationship with the ranger. Sophia care to join me."

    "Yeah, I'll go." We finished letting her eat and then prepared to leave.