• When I woke up, I noticed the moon starting to move. Then, I noticed what it was. A Lunar Eclipse. I got up and rubbed my eyes. It was strange how I was awake at this time. But I didn't want to sleep anymore. I woke Luke up and we sat together. I stood up and stared at the entrance to the alley way. A man and woman stood there. I was not afraid. I stood there bravely. Luke held his head high. They raced to us and I pulled out my gun. I continued to fire but I missed. Luke attacked the woman. The man pinned me against the wall and grinned. "Kai, long time no see." he smirked. I kicked him away and pulled out my sword. He kicked the sword away and pulled out a gun. I saw Luke fall in a bloody puddle. I screamed and ran to Luke. The man was startled by my scream he fired the gun. I coughed blood and fell. The guy had caught me and sat down. My heart bled and wouldn't stop. I was dying. I had tears in my eyes. The blood trickled from my mouth. The woman ran over to me and sat down. "What did you do!?" she shrieked. "I-I didn't mean to. Lauren, help me." he said. Lauren shook her head and touched my head. "Zeek, your nuts. You killed her. Darek told us to protect her." Lauren said. I coughed and darkness started covering my sight. I wouldn't die alone. Luke would be with me. "She's dying. I killed her." Zeek said and held me close. Lauren and Zeek were my aunt and uncle. I was proud to die. He didn't mean to kill me. I shut my eyes for the last time and fell into the darkness of death.

    I remembered the time I was little and I killed one hunter. He was about to kill my grandma with a knife. I had grabbed my sisters scythe and slashed him in half. I also remembered when I watched my family get killed by five hunters. I was hiding in the closet. My mom had put me there to be safe. "What do you want with us?!" my mother had screamed at the male. He fired his gun and she fell to the floor. My father lunged at the male. But the guy was quicker. He shoved a knife through my fathers throat. My sister was the next to try killing. But they shoved a sword through her heart. When they had finished killing my grandma and grandpa, they searched for me. They grunted and walked out of the house. I burst out of the closet and sat next to my mom. I cried and cried. I had suspected my aunt and uncle to be dead already. I got up and cried more as I ran out of the house. I laid in the darkness and watched all my memories fly by. Luke laid by my side. I got up and saw my mom and dad. She reached out a hand. I smiled and leaped forward. I reached my hand out. When our hands met there was a bright flash. They weren't alone. And neither was I. All my memories spun around me. I would tell my parents what I had done just to stay alive. My story ends here. But a new journey.....is about to start.