• Chp. 3

    “Ah, good to see you again Sasuke-san” a monotone voice murmured, “you to Layne-sempai.”

    Layne’s POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    More wolves sounded in the night, waiting to be answered. “What do you want sempai?” I smiled emotionlessly “you’ve grown Otouto-san; I heard you’ve found your life mate.” Sasuke paused and frowned “is that the reason why I can see colors again?” I tilted my head to the side “yes it is, it’s also the reason you’re being assaulted with emotions.” He froze, clearly caught off guard by my statement “how did you know?”

    I sighed, “Simple, I can read your mind, or did you forget that all Carpathians can do that?” He blushed, clearly embarrassed that he had forgotten. I smiled, this time letting my emotions shine through. “Oh sasu-chan you’re so cute when you’re happy.” He paused again “Naruto’s scared” I smiled. “Then go to him baka!”

    Sasuke stood and shifted into mist ‘be well Oneechan.’ I laughed softly ‘same to you little one’ I stood and closed the window. I waltzed out of the Uchiha manor and walked aimlessly through the forest. “What to do now” I murmured to myself, and then I paused. ‘Someone’s following me’ I glanced left and right.

    “Hn, guess it was the wind.” I was about to take a step until… “Layne-Chan!” I caught a blur of white and red out of the corner of my eye. ‘Remus’ I was rammed into a tree, the force split it in two. We landed with a crash from both us and the tree. Remus was my best friend; he had snow white hair with deep red tips unlike most Carpathian males who had brown hair. He had a tattoo on the right side of his face identical to the one on my left.

    He smiled and blushed. “Sorry, I missed you” he leaned in and kissed my cheek. My heart fluttered “yeah yeah, get off me!” I shoved him off and sat up. He jumped up and laughed, “So how was your visit with sasu-chan?” I stood and began to walk with Remus trailing close behind.

    “He’s found his soul mate.” His eyebrows shot up in surprise “really?! That’s great!” I smiled “you didn’t know?” He laughed sheepishly “no, I keep tuning out the others minds when I shift and I don’t bother to listen in.” I snorted “you’re a shame to the Carpathian race.” Remus frowned, tears in his eyes “oh please don’t say that Layne-Chan!” I paused, dumb struck “you know I was just kidding right?”

    He immediately perked up and ran ahead. We had arrived at a waterfall; Remus was perched on a rock listening to the soft rumble of the water. “How are they going to cope?” he murmured softly, I sighed and shook my head. “Naru-chan has been through a lot, he might not open up in the beginning but I’m sure Sasu-chan can help him.” Remus shook his head “I’m not so sure.”

    I tilted my head in his direction. “hn, and why not?” He smiled “Naru-chan is full of surprise’s Layne.” I raised a brow, “eh? Well I knew that, but-.” I was cut off by soft lips covering my own, I blushed furiously. Remus laughed softly, “You ask too many questions love, time will reveal all that you want to know.” He hugged me and shifted into a wolf; he licked my hand and ran off. I sighed and sat on the nearest rock.

    ‘I’ll make you a deal.’ His soft voice murmured. ‘I’m listening’ ‘I bet you that Sasuke will break through Naruto’s barriers and get him into his house by tomorrow night.’ I smirked, ‘you’re on Re-Re’ ‘hey! Don’t call me Re-Re!’ I snickered; this was going to be fun.