• Chapter 8
    Dylan hit Liz so hard you could here her bones crunch.They were making me sicker.I moaned.He stopped fighting.He walked to me."What is wrong?"He asked.My fever was growing.I needed Zack.I wanted Zack or was I wrong?I didn't need Zack for everything.Liz came up behind Dylan.I screamed,but itwas too late.She had hit Dylan and knocked him out.He laid there motionless.I wanted to watch you suffer,but I can't can I?One of your princes' might try saving you.She smiled.Down the river you go.She grabbed me and began dragging me by the feet.Zack.I thought save me.
    Zack was lying on the ground now looking up at the sky.He had stopped crying.Maybe I should go opologize.He stood up and began walking.He had the sensation something wasn't right.He looked around.No one.He kept walking then he heard it.A loud screaming break through the trees.He began running.He knew it was Sabrina.He had to get to her in time.
    Dylan woke up.Shaking.The sky was black and it was about to rain.A chill slid through him and he stood up.He had business to tend to,but Liz had to be stopped.He could see marks where Liz was draging Sabrina and took off full vampire speed.
    Being dragged wasn't fun and I was sick,but was I really going to die like this?Covered in blood?Tortured?Painful?No,I wasn't.I could see my mom's chocolate eyes staring down at my body.My father ready to kill whoever had done it,and Liz just smiling as she stared at her work.My eyes opened.My color came back.I leaned forward and punched Liz.She slipped to the ground dropping me.She looked at me blood red eyes.I stood up full height and looked at her.She may have been taller,but I didn't care.My mom won't be dead any time soon.I said.If you think you can kill me you are wrong.I will bleed to death,but Liz you are going down with me!I jumped on her.I pulled her hair.She threw me off.That all you have?No.I felt this strange feeling I had always gotten when I felt really strong.Liz stared at me.Then I closed my eyes.I punched her as hard as I could.She grabbed me and we tripped and rolled down the steep rocky hill.The river was right below us and we were almost to it.
    Dylan ran straight into Zack and with their speeds they both flew back.Sabrina!They said in unison.She is sick.Dylan said.We have to find her.She is going to bleed to death.Where is she?Zack asked.I think Liz is taking her far away.A place death can be an accident.The river they said.They both began speeding towards the river.Wait Liz is in on this?Zack asked.Dude she is trying to kill Sabrina!Dylan said.
    I'm not dead yet!I yelled.I kicked her and knocked her off.Then I hit the water.Liz had rolled over just enough so that I would hit the water before her.Than she rolled onto me.I started kicking,but I was already under and my breath was becoming short.I was going to drown.
    Dylan and Zack made it just as Sabrina and Liz hit the water.Liz was trying to swim out,but the water's current pulled her in.Dylan ran and jumped straight into the water.He began heading for Sabrina.
    I was slipping slowly to the bottom and I couldn't breath.My will was the only thing that kept me floating.I saw Dylan's blond hair and then I felt his soft gentle touch and he lifted me up with his arms.He pulled me up where I could breath.I began gulping for air and then I looked into his eyes and passed out in his arms.
    Liz was still struggling and Zack jumped in.He began swimming towards her.She was sinking and he had to hurry.When he grabbed her she stopped fighting the current and became limp.She looked at him."You don't know what I did do you?"She asked her voice shaking and she was crying.I do he answered softly.And I don't know why you did it.Sabrina is my friend and you were my girlfriend so why do all of this?Zack asked.Zack swam they to shore and they got off.Dylan was bringing Sabrina in.He gently laid her on the ground.She was burning up.Liz leave!If you don't I will tell the camp!Chill Dylan.Zack,you.Dylan stopped talking and picked Sabrina up and ran at full speed towards the nurses office.