• Raven walked up the stairs towards the large mansion at the edge of the forest, wearing a sexy black dress and fishnet stockings. She looked down at her watch. 5:00, she thought, I hope I don't disturb him. Hesitantly, she knocked on the door. It creaked open and she cautiously walked inside.

    "Hello?" she called into the darkness.
    "Hello, my love," a voice rang out.

    Out of the darkness appeared Johnny Lee, in a formal black ensemble holding a black rose. He smiled widely, baring his fangs. Raven in turn smiled, flaunting hers.

    "I hope I wasn't disturbing you," she apologized, taking the rose while nodding towards the lit fireplace.
    "Actually," he said taking her hand, "I was waiting for you."

    This made Raven very happy. She smiled as she followed him to the fireplace and sat down, Johnny doing the same.

    "So what should we do now?" Raven inquired as Johnny took out two glasses and a knife.
    "I think we should have a drink," he replied as he slit his wrist. Warm scarlet blood filled both glasses.
    Raven chuckled as she took a sip. "Thank you," she said.
    Johnny chuckled once more. "You have some blood on your lip. I'll get that for you."

    He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. She felt a little lightheaded when he pulled away.
    "Mmm…two of my favorite flavors: warm human blood, and your lips," he smiled.

    Raven blushed. She had never been charmed like this before.

    Johnny looked out the window. "Dawn is approaching," he whispered.

    Raven turned around. Sure enough, the night sky was turning pink with the sunrise. I don't want to leave just yet, she thought.

    "Um, do you have anywhere else we can talk?" she asked. "Someplace darker and private?"
    Johnny smiles as he stands. "Follow me to the night room." Grabbing her hand, he led her down the grand hallway.
    "And what, may I ask, is the night room?" Raven asked.
    "It's where I reside when the sun comes out," he explained. "It's magnificent; you must see. Above your head there are stars and a beautiful picture of the moon, lit by candle light. It's certainly the best room in my whole mansion."

    They descended down a flight of stairs toward the basement, and Johnny opened the door at the bottom. Sure enough, it was everything he described. Candles decorated the entire room, and a full moon looked down from the ceiling, surrounded by hundreds of stars. Rose petals were sprinkled everywhere.

    "Rose petals?" Raven asked curiously.
    "I wanted to be prepared for your arrival," he explained. "You deserved a proper welcome."
    This made Raven smile. "And the bed?" she asked as she walked toward it. "You know we can't sleep."
    Johnny wrapped his arms around her waist. "I like to keep a bit of my human self around," he explained. Then he added, "It's useful in other ways as well."
    Raven chuckled. "Such as?" she prodded.
    "Wouldn't you like to know," he answered as he slowly started kissing her neck.
    A moan rose in her throat. "I would," she whispered.
    She turned around and pressed her lips fiercely against his. As they kissed, they drifted slowly toward the bed.
    Raven broke the kiss and sat on the bed, her dress hiked up to reveal her thigh. "This is my first time," she whispered as he leaned in closer. "Be gentle, please."
    "Me too," he whispered. "Don't worry."
    As they kissed, the sun shined in the morning sky……