• Mr. Schlemmings: Good job Mr. Fischer.
    You may take a seat next to Miss Waters.

    Oh, fantastic.
    Now, I get to spend the next nine weeks
    next to Mr. Rudey Pants.

    You know, sitting here, in this uncomfortable
    chair, next to the rude London guy, I am
    actually learning a lot from my fellow peers.
    I mean, take Chelsea Jackson for example:
    On the outside, she's drop dead gorgeous,
    head of her cheerleading team, president of
    so many clubs, and makes straight A's.
    On the inside, Chelsea tells us that she hates
    her life and such. She puts on another face
    to try and hide her misery when she comes to
    school, because she doesn't want anyone
    worrying about her.
    She states that she has so many poems because
    she stays up all hours from her parents' constant
    bickering. She just writes to pass the time.
    I mean, what can one say and do when they
    just hear that?
    I will tell you what I did: I went over to her and
    I gave her a hug. And then everyone else joined
    in except for rude London guy, who sat there
    writing something in his blue pad.

    Mr. Schlemmings: Alright class, time for our next

    Ugh...I hope it's not anything boring.

    Mr Schlemmings: Everyone grab a sheet of paper and
    a pen, while I grab some tape and attach the sheets
    to your backs.
    Mr. Schlemmings: Alright, now, what you will have to do is go around to
    each person and name one thing that you like about that
    On the count of three.
    One, two, three. Go!

    Man, I don't really know anyone in this room, but I will
    make do.
    -goes up to everyone's back writes something extra

    This kind of tickles.
    Ok, I got everyone except for the new kid.
    What to write..what to write?
    -You have a really hard chest. Work out much?-
    It's the best I had. I mean, he did bump me with that
    chest, earlier.

    Mr. Schlemmings: Is everyone finished?

    -few nods here and there-

    Mr. Schlemmings: Alright, now, I want you guys to
    take the sheet from your back and stand up, one
    by one, and read what your fellow peers think is
    nice about you.

    Oh, what the heck.
    I'll go first.

    -raises hand-

    Mr. Schlemmings: Our first volunteer. Thank you
    Miss. Waters. Will you read your comments, please?

    Camille: Sure

    Here goes...

    1.) She is really sweet.
    2.) Smells nice.
    3.) Has a pretty smile
    4.) I had a crush on you in middle school.
    5.) I love your little chihuahua.
    6.) Thoughtful of others.
    7.) I don't know.
    8.) Owes me seven dollars from a bet.
    9.) Sorry about earlier.
    10.) Beautiful

    Mr. Schlemmings: Looks like you have quite a
    reputation here. Thank you, Miss Waters.
    How about you, Mister Smith?

    I didn't know I had a positive affect of others.
    ...Do you guys ever get the feeling like someone
    is staring at you, but you don't know for sure?

    -looks up-...
    Not only is he rude, but this London guy has a staring

    To be continued...