Chapter Two
tab "That was a great movie, guys." says one of my best friends. Prudence Smith and Michael Garcia were two of the greatest people on he world. "I mean when that guy killed all the zombies with that one pool stick! AWESOME!"
tab "Pru." says Michael, "It's all fake! Do you honestly think that some guy could just make their way alive through a huge city filled with zombies with a pool stick and not get hurt at all?" He already knew what Prudence was going to say next so he continued. "I mean yeah that would be pretty cool. But come on!" he says, rolling his eyes.
tab "Anyways," Pru says. "Lets go get a bite to eat. I'm hungry."
tab "You two go ahead. I'm pretty tired." I wanted to hurry and get home. I needed to speak with Brandon and he should have been home from his buisness trip already. "Besides. We have to go to school tomorrow and it's getting late."
tab "I'm hungry too." Michael said, "Come on, Prudence. I'll take you home when we're done eating." He looked at the ground, shuffling his feet he added, " I mean if you want to go with me." We all knew how Michael felt about Prudence. All but Prudence herself. She neve noticed how he would wait for her after class, always save a seat next to him at lunch and even go out of his way to pick her up sometimes in the morning when I couldn't. But she didn't notice him in that way at all.
tab "Um... Sure." She smiled at him and since he wasn't looking, she tilted his chin back up. "Let's go eat." Well, maybe she was getting the hint. And without a backward glance they walked over to his car. Nice to know they didn't forget about me.
tab I walked back to my car and raced to get home. This meeting was not a real buisness meeting. It was more of an information meeting. Brandon, along with other bosses, was going to pick up information on the new Directive I was given. I already had a file but wasn't entirely sure when my Directive would begin. I wasn't focusing on the driving so much as I as on my new Directive. I had woke up screaming from a dream last night that had me screaming, "I have to go back. Let me go back" Go back to where, I wasn't really sure. But I kept seeing my Directives face in my dreams or when I just closed my eyes. It freaked me out and I knew this one was going to be a lot harder than it seemed.
tab Max, my father's personal guard, is waiting in the entrance hall. "He's waiting for you in his office. He said to tell you to get something to eat frist and then come up stairs." I just nodded. I was ready to get it over with and obviously, Brandon wasn't. As soon as I finished my sandwhich and brown pop, I flew upstairs before Max could tell me something to stop me. I ran past all the rooms til I got to my fathers office. As soon as I put my hand on the door nob, his voice says, " Enter."
tab I notice that his voice sounds tired and worn out, but I didn't have time to waste. I needed to prepare myself for what was coming. "I don't have much to tell you, except when your Directive starts." He said, " You are to start your Directive tomorrow. You are to not seek him, do not tell him what's happening and you are to follow the rules. Is it understood?"
tab "Yes, sir."
tab "If he aproaches you at anytime, you may speak to him, but not in the manor that is forbidden. You are not his friend or anything else. Do what you're told and that's final."
tab "Yes, sir. I understand." I knew how tired he was and I know that it must hurt him to see me doing these jobs, living this life, but he's usually fine afterward. I mean until the next Directive comes. "Goodnight, father. I shall see you in the morning." I left him in peace and went to my room to get some sleep that I yearned for.
tab During my slumber, I had my dream again. I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs and this time, I was crying. I looked around at my alarm clock. It read four thirty am. I already knew there wasn't any point in me trying to go back to sleep, so I went to my desk and pulled out my Directives file. I was going to, one way or another, meet Xander Dupont tomorrow and I was scared. I could feel something different about this Directive. Something was terrribly wrong but I did not know it yet.
tab As I started getting ready for school an hour later, I wasn't my usually energetic self and for the first time in a long time, I wasn't sure what to expect.
tab "So," Prudence started saying in the car. No goodmorning, or hello. "I want to tell you something." I think I knew what she was going to say, but I waited for her to say it. "I think I like Michael."
tab When we stopped at the red light on our way to school, I looked at her. "You think?" I wanted to start laughing and say about time. "You think you like him? And I think that you do like him."
tab "OKAY!" She yelled, " I do like him. I never noticed how cute he was and how sweet and amazingly AWESOME he was until last night."
tab As I pulled into the school parking lot and into my usual spot, I saw Michael waiting outside his car. Wow. He looked different today. Not his usual messy, poor look, but his hair was combed and he was dressed nicely. I laughed when I saw how Prudence started fixing her hair and make up in the mirror. How did she barely notice him wanting her now?! "Good Morning, Michael." I said as we got out of the car. Not like he noticed. This was going to be weird, but it was alright with me.
tab Finally noticing that I said something, Michael said, "Oh! Good Morning Schuyler." He smiled at me and waited for me and Pru to get our school bags out of the car before heading to campus. Living in New York had it's disadvantages. Having to walk to school from a purchased parking lot was one of them. "Guess what." Michael said, "There's a new kid. He was walking by while I was waiting for you. He stopped to ask if he was going the right way." He pressed the button for the crossing signal and continued, "Said he was looking for York Prep."
tab "A new kid?" I asked, "Transfering in the middle of the year? That's insane."
tab "Did you catch his name, Michael?" asked Pru.
tab "No. He just asked if he was going the right way for York Prep and I said yes. That was pretty much it." As we kept on walking, nobody mentioned the new boy again. "Do you think we'll be in trouble for being late to school, Sky?"
We were always late to school, because traffic was usually bad in New York. "I mean, for being late again."
tab "Yes and no." I smiled at his puzzled look as we turned the corner to York Prep. "Don't worry about it. We have free period right now. We'll sign in and change the time. It'll be fine."
tab He didn't look all that convicened but then smiled. "Hey, I see the new kid. I'm going to go get him to hang out with us." And with that he left. I knew that he was just trying to be nice but I really did have a bad feeling about it. The warning bell rang, I guess we weren't as late as we thought we were. Pru and I ran to sign in for free period when we heard Michaels voice behind us saying, "It's cool that you have free period with us. If you want you can hang out with us and we'll show you around."
tab I rolled my eyes at Prudence and she mouthed, "Oh, shut up." And we both turned around. The first thing I noticed about this new boy was his eyes. They were a very pretty startling blue. "Hello. I'm Prudence and my silent friend over here is Schuyler." I started laughing along with her and the new boy. He was really cute. Messy jet black hair, beautiful eyes that seemed so easy to get lost into and a sweet smile that could possibly set the school on fire. I wouldn't have noticed. My hurt gave a not so gentle squeeze.
tab "Hi. My name is Xander." He smiled at me. "Xander Dupont."
tab A look of horror replaced the smitten smile. Ah, hell.
Ryter: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 in Ryter. Please commment.
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