• One night I was sleeping over at a friends house and she told me a stroy " long ago in that house up the hill there was a little blind girl named Ellie. Although she was blind she was incredibly smart compared to her older brother Lance. He was so envious that he snuck into her room and killed her. So when his parents saw their dead daughter and didn't now who did it they called the police they searched every where for a possible suspect but found no one, yet they didn't suspect the brother. Then A week after Ellie's death and everyone was sleeping, Lance heard a noise that would not stop saying "The walls have eyes ,THE WALLS HAVE EYES!!!" he woke up to see millions of eyes staring at him. He hid under his covers and an eye appeared on the blanket. Over and over every night it happened until...................................he confesed his crime but the day before his trial he killed himself." " Thats a bunch of bologna its not true!" I said " Then go up there and see for your self" my friend said " Fine." I walked outside and up the hill to the house and opened the door " Hello anyone here?" I called " Then all of a sudden I heard a voice say " The walls have eyes, THE WALLS HAVE EYES!!!" then right on que the eyes appeared out of nowhere I screamed and opened the door to run but it wouldn't budge " THE WALLS HAVE EYES!!!" The voice cried " WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!???" I screamed then all of a sudden the door unlocked and I dashed out. As soon as I was at the end of the drive way I looked back and saw one huge eye on the front of the house. I heared screams of terror from the street and a faint scream from my friend at her house then as soon as it appeared it was gone. No one ever dared to go there again.