- The breeze was blowing ferociously and the four were baffled. "Do you think that this wind could be the one from last time?" the youngest one shouted. The four men stood their ground looking into the black funnel of raging winds. It has been a long time, too long for anyone to remember, since this last event occurred. The oldest one thought for a moment. He shook his head and said "I believe so, but I really hope not." The clouds started to turn a shade of gray and sparks lit in the sky. The red haired one called out over the screams of people. "We have to get back and warn her about this!" The eldest one looked at him. "Yes we have to, but if what we are guessing is true, she would have just awoken already and stop all this. Obviously since she isn't here, something is out of balance. Someone must have stolen the relic." The four exchanged looks of concern.
- by junkiehunkie |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/11/2009 |
- Skip
- Title: The Otherside
- Artist: junkiehunkie
- Description: Ok, I know my writing isn't that good, but i wanted to post anyway. I'm going to try hard and put up the character images too if I can. This is the Introduction. I would really appreciate some comments on how to imrove my writing.
- Date: 07/11/2009
- Tags: otherside
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Idiosyncratic Quirk - 07/13/2009
Not bad.
Suggestion: You should change "last even occurred" to last occurrence. - Report As Spam
- blue o green - 07/11/2009
- That's Awesome, Ji Young!!!!!
- Report As Spam