• ♫Chapter 1♫

    You know how those romance stories go? When boy meets girl, girl meets boy, they fall in love, then the boy moves away, girl follows him, finds out he has a new girlfriend, and he’s forgotten her, girl runs away in tears then gets hit by a bus when the bus driver decided to show the kids how to do the moonwalk. Ha…Just kidding. The girl stopped by my house and I tried to cheer her up with my homemade crepes. 5 minutes later, she ran outta my house laughing and crying that I was the devil trying to get rid of her…Yeah, I dunno how that happened. Ok, so I didn’t have ice cream, so I used mayonnaise for substitute with the chocolate syrup. What’s the big deal?
    I choose a comfortable spot, ready to high jump. I hope she doesn’t think my cooking’s really that bad..I just wanted her to smile. My feet take off, leaping into the air. That boy better watch out. When I get that you-were-a-bad-boyfriend-so-that’s-why-we’re-after-you license, he’ll be the 9th person I’ll go after. I see my legs finally avoid the bar and before I even land, I squeal out, “ Yah!♥ ”. My back lands on the cushions, making dust and sand fly into my eyes. Cushion, you’re next, mark my words..Irritated that my glasses did nothing to block out the particles, but still happy I jumped over 4’8, I hop off the mat. Turning around to see Jasmine, Jezmine, and the rest of the crew laughing about my Yah. Grinning, I walk over to them. “You were, like, yah! “says Jasmine, still laughing.
    Opening my mouth to speak, I see Coach Pantas walking around the football field. Oh, damn. He’s gonna kill me. Grabbing my mini bag, I slid into the crowd weaving through the slightly-plump people.