• Introduction.

    As the sun risen over a distant hill, people rose to the sun. Following their *tedious routines they got up from their beds and got to their closets holding the fact of wanting short *excursions out of what seemed to them mediocre lives. The views of people in this futuristic life started to seem like nothing to them taking everything they had for granted thus giving them a boring life of a city that never sleeps.
    The alarm clock rang, giving the slight scare to a man in bed wanting to ignore the clock and sleep. He reached for the clock and wanted to bombard it with anything that he could reach, instead he pressed the sleep button on the clock stopping the ringing. And short seconds later the clock started to ring again. He started to swish in bed then stared at the clock, noticing the certain time. When noticing this time he screamed, "I'M LATE."
    He stared at the clock, for a few seconds thinking it was an illusion, he rubbed his eyes and bolted outside of the bed, "Some day I'll need a vacation of some sort."
    He laughed at the fact of a vacation, being at the job of his choosing it never gave him any type of vacation, apparently the superiors thought it was of better cause. Following the tedious routine anyone in his standards would follow; to change infront of the closet, following brushing your teeth, and exiting with a suit with such high standards. The man exited the building, pulling out his drivers license and approaching his type of car. One of the old types of car only customized because he had the time to do it. He placed his drivers license into what seemed like a slot in the door, and the car replied, "Welcome Mr. Fauxnel Ridaut." With the type of a boring-register-type voice, and the drivers door flew open.
    Fauxnel was a man of science in his time, wanting to the better for his kind just like these flying cars, robots, and a city that never sleeps. "Yeah right." He would say to himself.
    "Again, welcome Mr. Fauxnel Ridaut." The car repeated with that same voice, "May I ask, what destination do you want to travel to today?" It asked.
    "The science facility." He demanded.
    "I'm sorry, what was that?" The car asked, apparently he programmed the car with the function of saying 'Please' after a demand.
    "The science facility.. Please.." He felt disgusted at the word 'Please' it never got him anywhere.
    The car jetted off to Mr. Fauxnels' destination, "Mr. Fauxnel would you like a cup of coffee?" The car offered.
    "Yes.. Please." he somewhat got used to saying it sometimes. He waited until the cup of coffee came out of a sudden cup holder.
    Fauxnel grabbed the coffee gently, softly sipping on the taste of it.
    The car came to a sudden stop infront of the science facility, "Destination reached." The car said to Fauxnel.
    "Thank you." He said hastily walking outside of the car, and onto the floating facility.
    Approaching the door he had to walk through to enter the science facility lead to many security check points such as retinal scanners, fingerprint scanners, and something leading to many complaints, saliva checks. To be even more secure the scanners, and the saliva check had to be completed in a matter of ten seconds.
    Finally, after 5 to 6 seconds Fauxnel finished through the security scanners and check, he walked through the open doors. Seeing many of his co workers, they all looked to him smiles on their faces, "Hello Mr.Ridaut." they all said, as a secretary walked up to Fauxnel. What seemed ridiculous to him was that his secretary was a woman. To his point, he pondered on how to work on his machine while the secretary was babbling about him needing a vacation.
    Fauxnel looked at the machine blueprints, seeing that most of the items of his machine were found functional. "Excellent."

    To be continued.