• Waking up in strange places is never a good thing. Everyone knows that. Never has been, never will be.

    So why do I feel so damn comfortable here?

    The room had a weird feel to it, like I was sleeping at someone else's place.
    My sense of up and down was suddenly lost as I noticed the walls were padded. That was a seriously bad stereotype, I knew, but of what I couldn't think.
    I sat up.
    Or tried to, anyway.
    I struggled against my bonds, rolling around like a worm trapped underwater. I rolled into a sitting position and looked down at myself. Seeing my arms so tight against me made me feel like a friggin' salt shaker.

    This was another really bad stereotype, but I still couldn't for the life of me think of what. I sat there, trying to guess where I was - Padded walls, and my arms hugging me so tightly I found it hard to breathe...