• “Alright Duke, I’ll see ya later.” I said, strapping my book bag back on and jogging down the road.
    I laughed. They’re probably looking at me right now, thinking how the hell I can even walk after that track meeting. I’m a natural born running, even more than they think. I’m the fastest in track, school and state. Haven’t tried country yet.
    I walked down the road, slowly getting into a hilly area. It was dark and getting wooded. All of a sudden, a SUV drove up next to me. The window rolled down.
    “Ace, is that you?!” Cherry yelled.
    I looked over. Yep, it was Cherry’s car, like I thought. Cherry was a pretty red head. He had yellowish brown eyes and a short, athletic body.
    “Yeah, was up Cherry?” I asked, wiping my fore head.
    “God, you just never quit, do you?” she said as she laughed.
    “Ace! Hey, can I join you?” Megan asked, popping her head out of the back seat’s window.
    Megan and I we’re really good friends. We’ve been friends since preschool. We do a lot of things together. I look at her as a sister more than a friend now.
    I smiled and nodded at her. The SUV stopped; she got out, and started to jog next to me.
    “Alright, I’ll see you two die-hards later, I’m going to go home and take a shower…and you two might want to think the same. I can smell you guys from here!” she laughed before she peeled off, leaving us two jogging, and after this one hill, walking alone.
    “So…what did you think about today’s little ‘contestation’ in the cafeteria?” Meg asked.
    I laughed. “You mean the one I jumped into?”
    “Yeah, that one.” she rolled her eyes as she said.
    “I don’t know. I have detention next week. So…it was worth if it you ask me. There were six kids in that fight, I just did a flying elbow right into the middle and started kicking and punching randomly.” I said with a smile.
    I haven’t been in a good fight in forever and one. That just gave me a taste of what I was missing.
    A truck flew by, going way too fast, headlights repelling the darkness in like a magnet in a scrap field. Pushing the darkness aside.
    As it went by, the red tail lights looked like monster’s eyes looking at us, angrily. But as the truck went down the road, the eyes grew small and dim, as if the monster was starting to fall asleep.
    It brushed up leaves next to us, spitting small rocks and seeds to our legs, biting us like bugs. And they stuck to our sweaty legs, making us itch. Well, it made me itch.
    “So, I got a question Ace…” Meg said, looking down at her feet.
    I was intrigued now. She never acts submissive around me. Especially around me.
    “Yeah, go ahead…” I said.
    My heart was starting to race. I have no idea why though. Well, it could be that I basically haven’t stopped working out for two hours straight now. It could also be because we were walking up Megan’s hill, witch was a work out enough.
    “We’ve been friends for a long time now right?”
    “Yeah…” I said uneasily.
    “And good friends none the less right?” she said.
    We came to the top of her hill. We were walking towards their garage. We turned left, towards their stone walk way. It was really red brick, the walk way. Something out of The Wizard of Oz. To the right of the path, were flowers and bushes and a small tree. To the left were just a couple flowers here and there.
    The front door was a jade green color, with three panels of glass that allowed the people on the inside to see out, but people on the out side can’t see in.
    The house was quiet and nice. White, windows here and there. Some tan shutters, basically a nice, regular house. I remember coming up here, playing pirates with Megan. Megan wasn’t the girly type, but we played a couple girly games.
    Just a couple, but that’s just the ten year old thing. I remember lying in bed with her, at thirteen or fourteen, looking at the glow in the dark starts on her ceiling, just talking. Movie ideas, story ideas, book ideas.
    I liked the mythical stuff, she liked future stuff. We came up with great thoughts and ideas. Ha, I remember when she was sixteen, a year ago, when her dad split her mom.
    She sat in her room and cried all day, missed school. When I went over to check on her; her mother said she hadn’t come out of her room all day. She hadn’t had food four over a day. Her mother was starting to worry about her.
    I took some peanut butter, some saltine crackers, a banana and some milk up to her bed room door. I knocked on the door and remember, just like it was yesterday what she said.
    “Go away!” she screamed.
    “Come on Megs, it’s me Ace. Let me in. you’re not mad at me, I mean, I’ve done nothing.” I remember I said.
    “No, I’m not, but go away!” she screamed even louder.
    Her voice was scratchy. From crying all day most likely.
    “I’m not going away. I will sit out here and sing. And remember, I made a dog howl last time I song…”
    I heard the door unlock. It opened up. Megan’s brown, chocolate like hair was in her eyes. It looked like a wilted plant’s vines. Her green eyes were bright and shiny, but the skin around her eyes couldn’t be redder.
    “I only unlocked the door because I don’t want my ears to bleed…” she sniffed.
    I know I said, nodding. I walked in, sitting the food on the bed, glass of milk on the table next to her bed.
    I sat against the bed board, Megan sitting next to me. I wrapped my arm around her. Almost as soon as my hand hit her shoulder, she buried her face into my chest. I held her close as she sobbed. She would say something now and again, but my shirt muffled it and her crying didn’t help it either.
    “It’s ok Megan, I’m here, and I’m here…” I would say over and over.
    After a couple hours, she stopped crying, but it was around seven now. My mom had texted me (yes, I have a texting mom) where I was. I would say I was at Megan’s and she’s really upset, and she told me she’ll call at eight for me to come home.
    Right around seven sixteen, she stopped crying, and started to talk.
    “…he always acted strange around me and so buddy-buddy with you. Like he would wish I was a boy I think…”
    “Ha, lucky for you. You dad didn’t get the term ‘deodorant’.” I joked.
    She laughed. “Yeah, he did always smell a little funky…”
    She looked over at the food on the table. I smiled. I reached over, grabbed the banana, plate of crackers, the peanut butter jar and the spoon.
    “You know a lot of people peel the banana wrong?” I said.
    She shook her head. “No, really? What other way is there than by the stem?”
    I smiled. “That’s what a lot of people think. But when they peel by the stem, more than often than not, they bruise the banana. If you take it by the little black thing, at the other end, and squeeze it, it’ll split relatively easily and you just…peel and eat.”
    I smiled. I took out my pocket knife, and started to cut the banana. To be a little flashy, because guys can’t help but flash a little in front of any girl, I began to cut the banana at a lighting speed.
    And before you know it, the banana was cut into tiny slices. I took a cracker; put some peanut butter on it, a banana slice, and another cracker on top. A peanut butter and banana sandwich. Mini sized.
    I held it out to Megan. She took it weakly, or slowly, I couldn’t tell which. She put it all in her mouth. And began to chew. After she chewed, she reached over to the glass of milk and sipped it.
    “It tastes funny…” she frowned.
    “That’s because it had ice in it, now it melted. Hey, it’s better than nothing.” I said.
    She nodded slowly. We repeated this process about three or four times. Then my phone rang.
    “Hello…oh, hey mom. What? Yeah yeah yeah, I hear ya. Ok, I’ll be home soon, alright, I love you too, bye…hey Megs…” I started to say.
    She sat up instantly, turning around to face me.
    “Please Ace…is there anyway you can stay? I don’t want you to go…” she said.
    I sighed.
    “I know, but-”
    She inched closer.
    “Please? You’re the only person…the only thing that has brought comfort to me…” she said.
    We were inches away. That…may have been one of the only times I have ever had the urge to kiss Megan. To see her as a…woman than just a friend. We just sat there, breathing. Warm, moist breaths hitting each other’s lips. It was…passionate.
    “…Meg…I’m going to talk to your mom first, then mine…k?”
    That seemed to snap us other out of whatever we were in. she nodded as if she was coming out of a daze.
    “Yeah…sure, I’ll come with you.” she said.
    We both got up from the bed, walking to the hall way. It was lined with white rug, white walls, and photos of years of memories. Most of them I was in. as we walked down the wooden stairs, we came into the kitchen.
    The kitchen was beautiful. It had redwood color floor, as well as cabinets, with stainless-steel everything else. It was like…something out of a magazine. I love cook in here. When we hit the floor, Megan’s mom rushed to hug her child.
    “How are you feeling? Ok? Oh, thank you so much Ace, you’re a life saver!” she said.
    She was basically the adult version of Megan. To the T even. Though a little more…curvier as comes with adulthood.
    “Yeah, about that mom…” Megan said, walking over to me.
    She took my arm. Though it wouldn't bother me, if what just happen didn’t happen.
    But she did it all the time, so her mother didn’t show emotion to it. But she did a little at this time, feeling the energy waving from us.
    “Yeah?” she asked.
    “I was wondering…” Megan asked as she put on her puppy eyes as she usually does if she wants something. “If Ace can stay the night…” she asked at last.
    I wasn’t expecting to stay the night, maybe an hour or two more, not the night. As would be expected, her mother was taken aback by the question. Of course a parent would be worried about they’re child having some one else of the opposite sex stay the night, but we were friends.
    Have been for double digit years now.
    “Well…as long as Ace’s mom is ok with it,” she said.
    Megan hugged my arm quickly, then her mom. I began to walk outside, putting my debating hat on.
    Mom was not going to come to a decision easily about this. My mom is hardheaded and protective. Even more than Meg knows. I shut the door behind me.
    I dialed the number, my breath shooting out of my and turning into a small cloud. God…it’s so freaken cold. I walked off into the darkness, out of site. When I was somewhere out of sight, I let loose.
    Black fur shot out from every pore on my skin. My cloths screamed to keep from ripping as I suddenly shot up from six one to seven six. My finger nails turned into three inch claws, that’ll turn into eight if I wanted.
    My skin, though not visible, turned jet black, bumpy as a gooses. My teeth grew to razor sharp, sharp enough to cut paper like a sharp knife. Yeah…I know this because I was board one day…ha ha…
    My eyes turned from green, to neon blue. Unusual for my kind. But my noise grew out a little, like dogs. My muscles were bulging, and you could clearly see that, despite the black fur. And lastly, my feet shot out, cutting my shoes to ribbons. Dang…forgot about my shoes…oh well.
    Usually, a werewolf’s (as you might have guessed I was now) feet are small (for they’re size), with long, inch or two, strait as a nail claws.
    Mine are huge. I’m the big foot of the werewolf world. And my claws curve like a raptor’s. My big toe even stayed up, like a raptors also, and I used it to launch my self off of stuff. Trees, enemies, stuff like that.