• Scarface 2000
    by : legarstemerson


    You should know who Scarface is. He's the man who was the most famous mobster of Chicago in the 40's - 50's decade(s). Here's his story of what it would be like if he was living in this decade.

    Scarface was sitting down at the bar and ordered himself a cranberry vodka and a few moments later the bartender came back with the drink. Scarface took a sip of it and realized it was just plain cranberry juice. Scarface took his gun out of its cover and shot a bullet up in the air. He then yelled at everyone to get out except for the bartender. Scarface took out a plastic bag and forced the bartender to take money out of the register, after which Scarface shot him.


    Scarface was trying to figure out how to escape when he heard the police. Scarface saw that there was a secret door in one of the cabinets in the bar. He then preceded to go over there. He went through the door and closed it just as the police were coming in.

    Scarface was know in a hidden tunnel. He was brought into a De` Javu moment , but that was only for a few seconds. Scarface had just heard the police open up the door so he scrambled out of there like a gazelle being chased by a cheetah.

    As he was trying to escape he found diamonds that amazed his eyes for they weren't just diamonds they were bloody red.


    He was so amazed by the spectacle that he had forgotten that the police were on his trail. Scarface noticed a hole in the wall behind a garbage bin. He took the bloody red diamonds first and hid in the hole that was covered by the garbage bin.

    As the police came they found that there was blood going out farther down the tunnel. Luckily for Scarface he was never found by the police and came out holding the bloody red covered diamonds when the cost was clear.

    Scarface then took the time to examine the diamonds and found out that they were inscribed with a symbol that looked like infinity with an "x" in the middle of it. Scarface wondered what it was, but then remembered the police were after him. He got out of there as fast as he humanly and possibly could.


    As Scarface was running carefully down the tunnel, he noticed another tunnel that broke out off of the one he was on. He turned and left towards the tunnel and went for some ways before reaching a dead end. Scarface was about to turn around, but noticed a rat going in a crack, which was in one wall and coming out in another crack on the opposite side in the blink of an eye.

    He stood there and thought for a second. Then it hit him. Scarface started looking for the strange symbol, thinking it would help him figure out what it would mean. He searched everywhere he could think of. He looked up, down, left, right, and everywhere in between.

    It had finally dawned on him that the crack in the wall must be something of some importance. He slowly and carefully stack his hand in the crack, which was just big enough for his hand, and felt something.

    What is going on at the dead end, what is it that he felt, & what does the symbol mean?