• Prologue

    As a young man, no older than 20, I had no fear of death, I was different, I was fascinated by the fact of its existence, and was ready to go whenever it wanted to bring me in its clutches.
    I was an orphan, I never knew my family, and had no friends, getting by each day on the scraps of food from dumpsters of restaurants and finding the occasional few quarters in the cracks of the sidewalks. Stealing from small stores so I could get a bit of food every once in a while and snatching the occasional wallet was my routine.
    Now, life, or whatever this is, is way different, and I only have the faintest memory of my “past life” if that’s what you wish to call it.

    Chapter one: The beginning

    “So, tell me about your life, what’s your story?” said the young woman, full of both fear and curiosity, scared enough to just run, yet too curious to move.
    “Well, should I start with the very beginning, or shall I start with the day I was born into darkness?” I said, with the past gleaming in my eyes, “The moment my entire world changed…” I continued.
    “Maybe we should start there then…” she said, her eyes wide as they could be, glittering with envy, deep in her thoughts, but still very involved in our conversation.
    “Well, I changed from a starving young man, living on the streets, and in nor life or death, I could not tell, but that night, my entire life changed…” I started.
    “Go on…” she whispered, without the least bit of doubt, and I could tell she trusted every word I was saying.
    “As I paced the empty streets, cold and dark, I felt as if I was the only soul in the world. The darkness was overpowering, but I was not afraid, for I was certain I could not be taken into its dark aura by just looking at it, I would have to do more than that to upset them.” I started, just spilling out my history to this young woman, her gaze empowering me, as if taking control of my mind. “I thought I was all alone, for under the starry sky, all I could hear was the sad song of the crickets, and my breath, a cold mist surrounding me. That night, the moon had been the largest I had ever seen it, and the most beautiful. It felt as though the moon was watching me, but I knew it wasn’t, for that is impossible, and I had better things to believe.” I continued...

    To be continued...