• As i walked into the room, my black hair glistened with blood. the room was plain as it would ever be. In the one chair, lounged the stone cold body of my mother. I laughed. So, i thought, they got to her before I could. I was the one who swore over the cold body of my dad that i would kill her, and yet with cold chance some one had beat me.
    Sighing i walked out of the room. "Stop!" i turned, with sword in hand to find my brother. He was dressed in red, "nice color it suits you" I stepped back into the pooling blood of my sister. "why kill her? she was no treat to our purpose" he laughed, a sound that could make babys cry. In fact it did. "she was in my way"
    "what do you want?" my brother raised his sword, "to finish what i started" he lashed out. i was unprepared and my hand fell to the ground. even if i were prepared for the attack, i never would have won. i knelt down and bowed my head in defeat, waiting for the deathblow. "even if i kill you, you would see it as a blessing. so i spare you" i looked up to see him walking away.
    "so that's it. you leave me to die another day?" he shook his head and smiled at the devastation he had caused, "of couse," laughing he walked out of my life. jarring pain filled my body. i screamed. this was my fate to be consumed in fire. i stoped screaming and smiled. death was peace, full so as the flames licking at me body, i died.