Naruto: An undiscovered Uchiha
Naruto: An Undiscovered Uchiha
Part1: The truth revealed to all
I was left in the streets after the attack from Itachi. I saw Sasuke run away after all that has happened to him. I am the disgrace of the Uchiha clan. My brothers do not know about me because my parents sold me to a coffee shop.
I have worked my butt off at this place. I kept on asking my boss if I could go to Ninja Academy to become a shinobi, but he kept on saying no. One day I sneeked out to go join. My boss did not catch me until I graduated and saw me with the headband.
My name is Shiori Uchiha, the forgotten Uchiha. I am seventeen in the Hidden Leaf Village and I am a chunin. I do have a team. My teamates are Shiro Haruno, Sakura's older brother, and Riso Misara. Our sensei is Suchiro Kisone.
None of them know that I am an Uchiha. The only one who knows is Lord Hokage and the Hyuga clan. I do want to tell Sasuke, but it would ruin everything. It is my past that is hidden from everyone. I never use my Sharingan Eye.
"Sensei, let's get training started," Shiro shouted.
"Okay, I am going to teach you all how to convert your chakra into your teamate if you need that little bit of extra help."
Training went on for a little bit. I went to the training field to talk with Sasuke. He might talk to me, but he is very lonesome. I know he wants to kill Itachi.
I saw Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi leave, while Sasuke stayed behind,"Hey, Sasuke."
"What do you want?" he asked leaving.
"Wanna spar, but since I'm chunin I won't use any jutsu except one which I'll show it to you when the time is right?" I asked.
"Hmp. I accept, but I don't want you to hold back even if you're a chunin," Sasuke replied.
I could see Sakura in a bush nearby watching Sasuke. I knew she was scared. She believed Sasuke would get injured here and now.
"I do not want you dying on me. I will never let you die until your time comes," I replied.
"Shut up and come at me!" he yelled.
"Okay," I ran up towards him and tried to kick him on his side.
Sasuke disappeared behind me. I quickly kicked him in the stomach.
"You have good senses, but I have a better one," Sasuke brought out his Sharingan Eye.
"I see you finally brought that out," I said.
"Enough talk."
Sasuke tried to punch me in the face,but I caught it with my hand. I forced him back and then he will know the truth. I used my Sharingan Eye.
"You have Sharingan Eye!" Sasuke exasperated.
"I thought we stopped talking and moved right on to the fight," I increased my speed towards Sasuke and then I kicked him in the air. I grabbed onto his chest and kept spinning until we made it to the ground.
"Looks like I win," I said.
Sasuke started to get up,"Who are you?" he asked.
"My name is Shiori Uchiha," I answered as I walked away.
"What!?" Sasuke exclaimed.
I left the training area and to my little apartment. I should have a talk with Kakashi tomorrow after my mission. Tomorrow I have to protect a bridge from an incoming attack of bandits. Shiro and Risa are both excited. It is kind of hard for me being the only girl on the squad.
I slept in my apartment. Before I went to bed, I looked at my picture of Itachi and Sasuke that I smuggled up. I woke up at dawn to get ready.
We all met at the forest to get to the bridge before the bandits do. At the bridge I could see a glimpse of the bandits. I rushed ahead of my teamates. Our plan is to make them think that we do not believe in teamwork.
"Shiori wait up!" screamed Suchiro.
"Do not think so," I replied as I threw a kunei at a bush.
Three bandits came out scattered from the bush. Shiro threw some paper bombs around the place. Soon all of the bandits appeared.
"You kids better apoligize or you will all end up dead," a guy in the very back yelled.
"We're not scared of you," Shiro threw like twenty paper bombs at them.
"Whatever little kid, Raijin kill him and the others."
A lot of kunei were thrown at us. I used a protection jutsu that I learned with the Hyugas. The move of rotation. Only the Hyuga clan can learn it, but when Itachi destroyed my village I lived with them. They gave me some of their blood and called me a Hyuga. Everyone does not know the truth of me being a Uchiha except for the main branch of the Hyuga clan, Lord Hokage, and now Sasuke knows a little bit of it. I am a master of the Hyuga style of fighting.
I rushed up to the pile of bandits and started to just beat the crap out of them. No one has seen me so furious. This men I recognize from a cold, red night. They helped Itachi kill all of the Uchiha clan. I will not let any other clan crumble because of these men.
Shiro then created a water dragon from the lake. It grew tall and big. Shiro's father taught him this technique, and Shiro can handle it perty well. He almost became a chunin. The only problem was that he does not think like one. He is good,yes, but he always heads into the battle first. He is kind of like Naruto, the boy on his sister's team.
Riso rushed in and focused his charkra in his his hand. He punched two of the bandits in the face. Most of them were dead. Our mission was almost finished. Our sensei,Suchiro, threw fifty kunei at me while I used rotation. So the weapons scattered all over bandits. The rest perished their fate.
"Can we go back to the village now?" I asked looking at Suchiro in the eyes.
"I do not see why not. Our job here are done. The anbu will take care of their bodies."
So we traveled miles to the Hidden Leaf Village. I saw Kakashi sitting outside of Ikaru Ramen reading Make Out Paradise.
"Hey Kakashi can I meet up with you tonight at eight there are things I need to discuss with you?" I asked.
"Sure," Kakashi answered,"But what is the dilemma?"
"It is sord of private," I stummbled.
I left from Kakashi and made my way to the training field. There I saw Naruto practicing with his kunei. It looks like he has been here all morning, but he still cannot get the jutsu right. Naruto stared at me when I entered the training field.
"Hey Shiori, How did your battle with Sasuke go? I am sure you kicked his butt. I tried to ask him myself, but he did not answer me," Naruto wondered.
"I went fine and yeah I beat him. Anyhow you have to focus your chakra on the targets if you want to get the jutsu right," I told him.
"Hmmmmm. Kakashi never told me that. In fact none of them helped me when I asked them,"
"That is probably because you cannot grow to be a strong shinobi without learning some stuff yourself." I replied.
"Right, I knew that," Naruto laughed,"I just wanted to know if you knew."
"Hey Naruto, do you think Sasuke would let me train him?" I asked looking at the blue sky.
He looked away as if about to cry. Did that hurt his feelings? I wonder if I can ever be social. I always end up saying the wrong things and I never try making them upset.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah I am alright," he wiped away the tears,"I just had something in my eye, but why do you want to train Sasuke?"
"Well there is a lot of his life I want to know about. I think I could train him well. Naruto I will tell you a secret, but you have to keep it a secret. The only ones who know is the hokage and the hyuga clan," I looked at him.
"Okay, I promise to keep it a secret," Naruto promised.
"Well I am the forgotten Uchiha. I am Sasuke's and Itachi's sister. They gave me away at the age of three to work in a small shop. They did not want Sasuke to know about me," I shortened a part of the story.
"What?! Your an Uchiha. How can that be Sasuke is the last one," Naruto exasperated.
"Its kind of like you. You have a demon fox inside of you and you did not find out until recently. I am an Uchiha. When I was trying to go back to see all of my family when I escaped the shop everyone was dead. I was happy to know two remained, Itachi and Sasuke. I learned a bit after what happened. I found a picture of my mom, dad, Sasuke, and Itachi in the house I lived in when I was little. The hyuga clan took me in and gave some of their blood. I know byakugan and other moves that they only know. I am well trained in them for not being a hyuga by birth. Two years ago I learned sharingan and know how to control it," I explained.
"Wow thats some story. I dont know where I came from and who are my parents," Naruto replied.
"I never really knew my parents I was young. I only know what they look like," I said.
"Really, I guess we have a few similar pains. Hey no more crying we should go get some ramen at Ichiraku. I can actually pay," Naruto looked at me with a huge smile.
"Um okay," I agreed.
Naruto and I walked off to Ichiraku Ramen. There I found Sakura still shivering from the match yesterday. She just seemed to be very frightened.
"Hey Sakura!" Naruto ran towards Sakura.
"Oh hello, Naruto. What are you doing with Shiori?" the girl asked Naruto.
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