• I never fully understood my best friend Christina. . But maybe I didn’t try hard enough. My be its all my fault and none of hers, because if I had tried hard this wouldn’t have happen. Don’t get me wrong I want to help her. Reach her. But it was like she was always behind a glass wall. And yet I still blame myself. Yes it was like being behind a glass wall, but I was her best, only, friend. I remember when it first started. See I knew Chris was a dog but when Christina came and told me she was ecstatic. Chris was trouble but I thought OK. Let her live her own life. don’t bust her bubble. I knew Chris was a dog ! And I still didn’t stop them from dating! I, her best friend let her mess up her own life. And I stood there why she thought I was the very best friend in the world. Maybe that’s why I was the first to know that she had contracted an STD. Which Chris later dined and accused her of cheating. Maybe that’s why I was the first she told that Chris was beating on he. Yet she loved harder. And I stood back and watch. Never told her that’s not normal love. Just sat there. I watch behind a glass wall how she slowly mess up her own life. She came to school with burses, her eyes were puffy. I later found out that her parents kicked her put. And yet I didn’t offer her a place to stay. Find out were she could crash. I also found out that she ended up Chris place. I’m such an bad friend. I’m so stupid, stupid, stupid!!!!! When she got pregnant I didn’t offer advise, help, or even to baby sit. I could of done something, I should of done something. I could have intervened, but I didn’t. I held the power. I watch her drop out. I didn’t help her with her school work. I watch her struggle with her kid. I didn’t offer to baby sit. I. I failed her. I saw her on the street. And I didn’t give her money. I didn’t offer to help her, even though she smelled of piss. And every year close to 2800 teens get pregnant each day, 1 in 4 sexually active teens become infected with an STD every year, about a third of all victims of violent crime were ages 12 to 19, the dropout rate for students ages 16 to 24 was 11 percent. Because of friends like me.