• Everything looked the same. All the same houses stood in a row lining the street, in the same order. Almost as though nothing had happened but than she supposed nothing had really happened. It was just that she had changed, while everything else remained the same. At this time of night the streets were empty only the street lights gave light to the dark. Sitting on the steps of the house that she should be able to call home she felt nothing but an empty ache deep in her soul. A numbness filled her limbs as she sat letting the could night air whip around her. Turning her head she looked back at the house with its white door mocking her in silence. Tempting her to come in out of the cold that had given her the first since of feeling since she had returned home. Standing up slowly she stretched out her tired limbs and smiled at the tingling sensation as blood began to flow back into her legs and arms. Holding her hand out in front of her she raised it up to look at it in the pale moon light. The faint scars were still visable reminding her of everything that had happened. The darkness that had touched her life. Even as she looked at them she wished that her other scars would heal as easy as the ones that were on her skin. Yet she knew the gaping wound that left her empty and waiting would never truly heal. There would always be an emptiness there. The quietness that she relished would soon be gone the sun was coming quickly. Soon enough she would be caught right back up in the rush of the day, but for now in the quietness she was alone. She could pretend that she was back in a time where she would be excited for the rising sun, excited for what the next day would bring. Turning her back tot he street she rested her hand on the door knob. With a single sigh of regret she opened the door and stepped into the house. Shutting the door behind her she locked it and began what seemed to take forever the walk back to her bed room. Stepping into her room she shut the door behind her and looked about the room that had once given her so much comfort. Now it held none, there was nothing but a reminder of what had been lost.