• Alone in the dark she sat.A girl,16,brown hair falling in her eyes.She just sat in the dark,empty room.Nothing,absolutley nothing could compare to the dark feeling of being hopeless.To be crushed in front of everyone you cared about.The girl cried silent tears.Her only friend Beth was gone forever.Her only family(her mother)was gone too.Everything she loved was gone.So here she was in the Hopeful Angels Orphanage waiting.Waiting for something to happen.Anything or anyone that could make her happy enough to seal her dread was welcome.She hated everything.The world was always against her.No matter what the situation she was always caught up in something heartbreaking.The girl sighed.She looked around the lowly bedroom.It was all grey except for the bed which had a light blue bedset.There was one window thatwas dusty and always closed thanks to the girl.There was also a drawer that was a marble grey in the corner and a smaller bedside table thatwas naturally next to the bed which was on the opposite side of the room of the drawer.The bedside table had a small lamp on it and a photo in a silver frame.It was a picture of the girl and her mother.In the corner of the frame was a smaller picture of Beth also with the girl.No decorations whatsoever.Suddenly the door opened.The caretaker stepped inside."Carrie,there is someone to see you."the elderly woman said warmly.Carrie stood up and walked out the door.She was always anxious to leave the room because it felt likea cell(looked like one two).Two hours later,Carrie ws packing her things.Finally after four months of waiting she had been adopted.