• The cold fluffy white crystals , which we call snow fell to the ground , like an angel falling from the sky . It was a sight I will never forget . I put my coat , gloves , hat , snow boots , and earmuffs on as I walked out the front door to greet the falling heaven . I opened the door a little bit after I went outside for my new puppy , Lana to come outside and meet her first snow fall of her brand new life . Lana was first scared to see the cold white surprise that was going to give her a warm welcome . Finaly , she built up enough courage to come outside . I watched as she made her first step into the snow . A couple steps later , she sat on her bottom , and started eating the snow . I gigled in joy . There was at least two feet of this wonderfully slowly falling heaven . I loved every minute of making snow angel , making snowmen , and running around our front yard , playing with my puppy Lana . My mama was still asleep , and Dad was working , and my sister Shantae was at college . So I had the whole day to enjoy playing in this heaven that God made just for me . I loved snow , I loved it soo much that I would live in snow . I made igloos , and my own slushies . My friend , Sophie walked over to my house . We both played in the snow , and threw snowballs at eachother . We were so into our game , that I accidently walked into the road . I saw the smile fade from my friend's face .
    " Andre , look out !" She yelled . She was so shocked , that she could'nt move . I did'nt understand what she was talking about . I saw my dog Lana , on all fours , braking , and her fur went up . That's when it hit me . A truck came from behind , and sent me flying in the air . Blood poured down my head , and from my hands . My fingures were almsot ripped of . Blood came spewing out of my mouth . I landed hard on on the snow . If I did'nt land in snow , I probably would of been dead by now . The snow went from a white heaven , to a blood red gore bath . Everything faded , as I fainted .
    To Be Continued .................