• It was back when she was still a newborn, wandering the streets, searching for a purpose. Back then she didn't have a penny to her name. much like now. I had just rained and the sidewalk felt cold against her bare feet. There was still rain dripping down off the roofs, the gutter was overflowing. As she strolled down the street a faint cry caught her ears. She followed the sound, coming upon a small boy, curled up in a fetal position facing the wall. Gieselle glanced around, wondering why no-one was helping this poor child. Everyone passing was either ignoring the sound or too disturbed by it to bother. She took a step in the shadowed passage, and as she did the boy immediatly stopped crying. As she advanced on the boy's figure he slowly sat up. When she got close enough to him she reached out her hand "Are you okay?" she asked kindly. When he heard her voice he turned away from the wall to face her. "Where are your parents?" she pondered, beginning to become frightned by the boy's strange behavior. "Their dead" he whispered looking up from the ground. He looked directly at her, flashing his glowing red eyes. "I killed them" he mummbled. There was a moment of silence between the two before Giselle burst out into a roar of laughter, the first of many. "re you trying to scare me?" she asked trying to stifle her laughter. The boy was taken aback by the girls reaction. His eyes widened until he realized that she too was a vampire. His gaze never left this strange girl, not even as she crawled down to sit next to him. She streched out her hand, offering it to the boy. "My name's Giselle Oleander" she said, smiling. He took Giselle's offer, completing her handshake. "Hello, Gi...Ge...Ji...Gi-Gi" he said stumbling on the Elle "My name's Solomon Maundrell"...