• Mr.Moore was very rich and greedy. So greedy that, He would punch a 7 year old girl for 6 hours straight just so he could get a quarter! Well Mr.Moore lived in a nice mansion with a cat named Flcashlies, who was a white fluffy cat with green eyes. Just so you know, Flcashlies has nothing to do with this story. On a fairly warm day during the start of May, Mr.Moore was walking his usually route to the bank. Mr.Moore was planning to stare for 2 hours straight at the money people withdrew. That's how Mr.Moore usually spends he's free time anyway. Well as while he was about half way through his walk, he spotted a penny. Of course Mr.Moore reached down to pick up the penny. When Mr.Moore's hand touched the penny, it stuck. Mr.Moore pulled with all his might but his hand did not come free. He yelled for help but everyone just thought that he just came up with a new idea to steal money, so they did not come. Just so you know, Mr.Moore never got arrested because he bribed the police. Then without the police knowing, He stole the bribe back. Simple as that. Ok lets continue, Mr.Moore spent 3 days stuck to that penny. Fianally someone came. But instead of freeing him, they hit him on the head with a axe and that was the end of the greedy Mr.Moore.

    THE END exclaim