• "Hurry!" yelled Miles jokingly. "The Bunnyman is after us!"

    All of Miles' friends, including Ryan, ran inside with a mixture of screaming and laughing.

    "Ohmigod ohmigod! Don't say that!" Ryan gasped. Even though he was already inside of his school's loading dock, his breath was still making a visible cloud of water vapor. The air outside of the loading dock, where all of the trucks that had loaded the band's instruments were sitting, was freezing cold due to some weather anomaly.

    "Seriously, that story is going to be bothering so much on the drive home. It's bad enough that it's so cold, and that we've already been on a bus for two hours..."

    "You're right. I'm sorry," Miles responded, amused at Ryan's reaction to the teasing.

    The story itself was a whack version of The Bunnyman Legend. From the way Miles recounted, (which revolved around an episode of some ghost-hunter show he had seen,) the legend told of an insane man who would kidnap people while dressed in a bunny-suit. After he had kidnapped someone, he would take them to his house and torture them until they died. Later, he would hang their dead bodies beneath a bridge near his house.

    To this day, said Miles, if you explore the house where the people died, you could see their hand-prints appear out of nowhere on the walls. Or if you walked under the bridge alone on a Halloween night, you would find their actual bodies still hanging there. Some have even seen a shadowy figure of a man in a bunny-suit walking under the bridge at night.

    Ryan shivered from both the cold and also from remembrance of the chilling tale. He apologized to Miles for snapping, and went home after helping unload the trucks. The streets were nearly abandoned, but Ryan considered that was normal; it was 1 A.M after all.

    When he got home a few minutes later, he decided everyone must have been asleep already. The only lights that were on were six of those tiny light bulbs that dim down once you move the switch down; barely any light was there at all, but it was enough for Ryan to see. I'm surprised no one is up waiting for me. I really did want to talk to my someone before I went to sleep; that story is still giving me goose-bumps.

    The only noises that he heard making his way to his room were the sounds his own feet were making. However, as he passed his bathroom, he could have sworn that he heard something; something brushing against the cabinet door, something scuttling on the floor. It must be my cat. He thought, frozen in place for a second. Calm down, calm down. Just go to your bed and warm up and go to sleep and forget all about that story. The entire thing was irrational anyway. Half a minute later, he was underneath his comforter, snuggling his head into his pillow.

    The sound of sirens woke Ryan up. It was still dark outside, but flashed of red and blue were coming through his windows and lighting up his room. Kneeling on his bed, he pulled his blinds up to see about half a dozen police cars parked along the street of his neighborhood. Over a loudspeaker Ryan heard a voice say: "This is the police. Would all civilians please evacuate their homes and come into the street immediately?" It didn't even sound like a question, let alone a request.

    Ryan quickly jumped out of bed and got as many layers of clothes on he could before running out of his house. He took longer than he expected, but it was still cold outside! For some reason, he knew that the rest of his family would already be waiting outside. Unfortunately, when he finally did get out of his house, he didn't see his family anywhere.

    The cold struck him as Ryan walked onto his front porch, and immediately, a police officer ran over to him and nearly dragged him away.

    Hours later, Ryan discovered that he was the only survivor of some insane serial killer. The psycho had killed his entire block right before stopping at around 1:15 A.M. The twisted thing is that he had actually been five feet away from the killer when he passed his bathroom; after slashing nearly 30 peoples' throats, he killed himself in Ryan's bath tub.

    What haunts Ryan to this day, though, is that the killer was dressed in a bunny suit.