• My bow is arched over my shoulder. I am running for my life, but my running tops dead at the mouth of the abyss. I dare not go there. I search for an arrow and grab my last one. Through hesitation, my arrow drops down tumbling farther and farther into the darkness where light dare not enter. I hesitate; I can hear the footsteps of my enemy. I can hear them marching closer and closer to my death what am I to do…….. I decide to jump I had a better chance of living if I jumped. By the time my enemy got there, me feet had already left the ground. I am falling deeper and deeper getting colder and colder. I close my eyes. I shall not see, I am cold, very cold as I fall. Suddenly I feel warm; I shall not open my eyes even though my thoughts wonder what this warm feeling is. My fear that I have reached the other world is overwhelming but the warmth is calming, so I drift, drift into an endless sleep that I dare not wake from.