• Little She-Wolf
    By: Mickala Thompson
    Kitty was playing with her long shiny black hair, off in her own little world listing to Funhouse by Pink, when a little red head came running up. “Hey Kitty! Did you see the new guy yet?” Mini-she asked. Turning off her neon blue I-pod screeched “No, why?” “WHY!” Mini-she screeched making Kitty jump back in her seat a little “because he’s dead sexy that’s why” Mini-she turned around and started scanning the lunchroom. “There he is” Mini-she pointed to a tall guy. ‘Dang he’s got to be about 7ft tall’ Kitty thought. “Dang” was all Kitty could say. His shoulder length shaggy black hair, his deep rust color skin, ‘I thought this place smelled more like a wolf then a vampire,’ she smiled at the thought. Then her smile diapered faster then it came ‘No,’ she told herself ‘don’t get your hopes up, he’s just like the others he won’t accept you’. The thought hurt, but she couldn’t open herself up to that pain, not a second time. “His name is Damon, Damon Black,” Mini-she’s annoying voice ripped Kitty from her thoughts. “Him and his friends are coming here from Angel Falls, it’s so sad” Mini-she said staring at Damon. “What is?” Kitty Glared at the girl who thought she could take the place of Mimi ‘God Mimi I wish you were here with me’ she sent a silent pled to her friend who was out ‘hunting’. Kitty totally understood the need for blood, Kitty was pissed at Mimi knew that these guys were coming and didn’t tell her ‘god when she gets back she’s going to pay big time’ Kitty hissed in her head. “There school burnt down in a big bad fire, 10 people died and 5 got burnt badly because of it.” Mini-she put her hand on Kitty’s shoulder “what would you do without me?” she said. ‘Everything I’m doing now but 100x’s better’ she thought bitterly. Kitty got up; she started to grab her bag when Min-she grabbed her bag to stop her. “Where do you think you’re going?” she asked, standing up. Kitty just glared at the girl. ‘She thinks she can stop me!’ Kitty wanted to jump on the girl and let the wolf out ‘NO! Keep it under control’ she felt Jaspers powers calming her down ‘thank you Jasper’ she turned and gave him a thank you look. “I’m just going to go talk to-” “DAMON!” Mini-she yelled. Making everyone look at them, even Damon. ‘Just what I need’ Kitty thought, feeling the blush starting to form on her cheeks. Kitty never did well under the spot light. “NO! I’m going to talk to Jasper” she hissed at the girl ‘God what was here real name’ Kitty couldn’t come up with one “Look Chika I’m going to go and I don’t want to see your face around me at all the rust of the day” Kitty growled. She removed Mini-she’s hand from squeezing a little to get her point across. She walked off leaving Mini-she dumbfounded by her ‘bust friends’ actions
    When Kitty got over to ‘brothers’ she covered James eclectic blue eyes, his short blond hair brushing softly on her arm like her cat brushing up against her leg “hey Kit-Kat” he said smiling up at her removing her hands from his face. Pulling her down so he could give her a kiss on her cheek. “Hay Jamie” she smiled kissing his cheek back. Jasper cleared his throat “where’s my hello” he purred giving kitty an impish grin, Kitty looked up at him. Some of his silky brown hair falling out of his pig-tail; it gave him a wild look, his blazing green eyes burning holes in her. She smirked at him and walked over to her other brother. When she got to him she bent down and licked his face “bark, bark,” she whispered in his ear “how are you Jas Jas?” she asked him. Pulling out a seat for herself. “So why aren’t ya’ll hunting to do to?” James pulled his chair around the table to sit with them “because who else is going to keep the wolf’s in their place you?” she smiled at her “you little Miss. Werewolf. You couldn’t handle the job” he started laughing. Kitty hit him hard on his shoulder “and you can” Kitty started to say then looked over at Damon who was giving her a wired out looked. She smiled at him and waved. He waved back. “OOH someone likes the new he-wolf” Kitty hit James “No I don’t like him James he’s just like the rust of them. So self centered that they can’t even see the fact that you guys ate good not soulless beast of the night, like they all say you are” Kitty slammed her fist into the table James gave her his famous ‘got you bee-Ochs’ look “see they ‘think’ were all soulless beast, and you know were not but they don’t, same thing goes for them” Kitty just stared at James “wow Jamie that the smarts thing you said in years!” James hit her playfully “now go talk to him lover, he might be different from the other pack. Who knows” he shrugged. Kitty rolled her eyes “fine I’ll go and ‘talk’ to him” Kitty went to get up when Jasper grabbed her wrist “Remember this young wolf,” he made Kitty look him in the eyes “not all dogs like other dogs who hold us vampires close to their heart.” Kitty looked down at her black nails that had neon green tips “you already tell me things I already know Jasper,” he could see the hurt and pain in her eyes as she said this “I just want to belong somewhere with my own kind, somewhere where wolfs and blood suckers can live in peace with one another” she said this with so much pride in her dream “maybe one day this will happen Little sister” James said patting her shoulder “now go get ‘em wolfie.” He said smirking. Kitty took a deep breath ‘give me power to be strong goddess of hunt’ she sent the silent plead to the goddess of hunt.
    She walked over to the table where Damon was sitting ‘all by yourself? Where’s your pack?’ she thought bitterly. “Can I sit with you” she asked shyly waiting for the rejection. He looked up at her, almost surprised that she came over. “Yes you may” he said. ‘Oh my god’ she thought ‘he looks like Apollo and sounds like the songs of the nymphs singing there song to the gods and goddesses of Olympics’ she thought. Wanting to faint at the thought “I’m Damon” he said holding out his hand. “Kitty” she said shaking his hand. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. Kitty felt the blush run up her neck to her cheeks. “So what was that thing you were doing with the blood-I mean Vampires?” he asked looking into her smoky green eyes. Kitty smiled at him ‘that’s different he didn’t call them a blood sucker, well he almost did but caught himself. Maybe he is different’ the thought brought a little hope to her. Kitty let a deep sigh out “their my family. The only people who accept me for me. Past and all.” Damon gave her this weird look “don’t a pretty little she-wolf like you have a pack?” he asked. “No, they heat me because I hold bloodsucker close to my heart” she spit the word bloodsucker out like it was poison. Damon took her hands in his “Little Kitty, my wolf, your pack is your family.” She rolled her eyes “that may be my big bad wolf, but that is if they accept you” she said teasing him. He laughed. Bring her close to him and hugging her. She bit his neck softly playing. He couldn’t hold back the soft moaned. Kitty started laughing softly “please don’t tell the guys” he whispered in her ear, nipping at her earlobe. “I won’t” she whispered back giggling softly.
    Some others guys came up to the table. “Who’s the Chika?” one of the guys asked sliding into the seat next to her. “I’m Kitty” she said proudly. The man next to her kept staring at her. His dark lust filled brown eyes, started to scare her. “I’m Mike” he said rubbing her knee, Getting dirt all over her white pants “Get Off Of Me Mike!” Kitty Screamed, jumping up and knocking over her chair