• One day there was this girl and this boy they were really good frens there names were amy and jake,jake was standin by this girls named kate,amy was walking over to them but she passed out,amys best fren saw her and yelled amy really loud,jake looked back and droped everything he was holdin and took off runnin over to her he got down on his knees and picked her up and her best fren kate ran over to her they tryed to wake her up but they couldn't someone called the amblance and they came and got her and took to the hospital after skool jake and kate went to the hospital and they sit in the waiting room her mom said they could see her they both went back there and sit with her went they got back there they sit and talked to her they sit back there with her for hours and hours her mom said they had to go home and get some sleep and they asked if they could stay there with her tonight and her mom said yea i guess,the parents left and they all feel asleep the night day they said she could go home,the doctor said she would need some help walking so jake said ok,they got ready and jake wraped his arm arounf amy and they walked out